Avoid Blowing Up at Your Workplace Team

Have you ever been at work and been overcome with an irresistible urge to blow up at your work team and let them have it? This is a common occurrence, especially in today's society, with high stress levels. Read on to find out how to avoid doing this and keep your job and sanity intact!


  1. Remember that your coworkers are people too! Sometimes it's easy to forget that your coworkers are people like you, especially when they appear to be behaving lazily from your perspective. If you feel overcome with the urge to let your anger rip, just try to remember, they may perceive their work practices very differently from you - and they may even see you as the problem.
  2. Breathe! Take deep breaths, and count to ten. This should help calm you down in a stressful work environment and give you time to reassess your desire to have a screaming meltdown in front of people with whom you will have to keep working tomorrow.
  3. Keep yourself away from projectiles. Stay away from easy projectiles when feeling very angry, to help avoid your temptation to throw the office stapler or laser pointer at someone who is really bugging you. Common office weapons can include staplers, scissors, letter openers, and laser pointers.
  4. Go to the bathroom and lock yourself into a toilet. Put down the lid and sit on it. Fume away until you start to feel calmer. Try not to mutter in anger when colleagues come in to use the bathroom; they'll know it's you.
  5. Leave the building. In a worst-case scenario, if you feel that you absolutely cannot refrain from blowing up at your work team, leave the building. Your managers will understand when you explain it to them later, and they will thank you for being considerate and for taking a measure to calm yourself sensibly.


  • If you often consider getting very angry with your work team, you may want to seek therapy - you might be suffering from unresolved issues or stress. Gordon Ramsay might look inspiring on TV but working with someone of that disposition is absolutely painful and soul-destroying over time and you don't win yourself helpful work colleagues, let alone friends.

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