Fix a Toxic Workplace
Everybody has a bad day at work now and then, but it becomes physically and mentally exhausting when you have to deal with toxic behaviors every day. Even a single toxic person at the workplace can make you dread going to work, but the good news is you have some power to make improvements, no matter if you’re in upper management or part of the team. While it may not immediately get better, you’re doing your part to make your workplace a more open and welcoming place!
Addressing Problems as a Leader
- Offer confidential employee surveys to find out the issues. Your employees may be scared to come forward if they think someone’s going to retaliate. Set up an anonymous survey on paper or online for your employees to write down what problems they recognize. Once you receive all of the surveys, sort through all of the results and look for issues that multiple people point out.
- For example, you may have your employees choose “agree” or “disagree” to statements like, “My workplace addresses toxic behavior,” “My boss prevents problems before they happen,” or “I feel bullied when I’m at work.”
- You can also include more specific statements on a 5-point scale such as, “My coworkers help solve problems,” “I feel respected and listened to by my coworkers,” or “My coworkers blame other people for their mistakes.”
- If you want more specific answers, leave a few lines for employees to write out any issues you didn’t address in the survey.
- Make it clear that there isn’t an investigation and that you truly want to address issues in the workplace. You may send a memo saying something like, “We know there are challenges on our team and we are starting a workplace assessment today. You will be able to fill out a confidential survey, and we will discuss the results at our next meeting.”
- Address employees with toxic behavior directly to stop it in its tracks. Make the company’s rules and policies clear for all employees so they know what you expect from them. Whenever you notice toxic behaviors that go against the policies you have in place, talk to the employee immediately and let them know that what they’re doing is wrong. While it may seem unfair, be strict with any consequences no matter how big or small the incident.
- For example, if you hear one of your employees bullying another coworker, give them a verbal warning to remind them of the company’s policy. If you don’t see improvement, then you may need to transfer or even fire them.
- As another example, if someone keeps forwarding you emails, it can make you less productive since you have to sort through unwanted messages. Explain to them the specific types of emails they need to pass on to you.
- If you allow your employees to get away with something, they may continue their toxic behavior.
- Be a role model for how you want employees to behave. Your employees will look up to how you lead them, so act in a professional way that models the company culture. Rather than being angry or undermining your staff, uplift them and work on discussing issues in an open and healthy way. Take time to focus on your own toxic behaviors and address them as soon as you can.
- For example, you can say something like, “I wanted to let you know I appreciate all the hard work you put into these forms. They look great and well-organized!” That way, they may show appreciation to another coworker.
- If you’ve acted toxic toward your employees in the past, acknowledge your behavior and what you’re doing to improve. For example, you could say, “I know I’ve been micromanaging and controlling over projects in the past, but I’m going to let everyone explore their ideas so we can find the most productive solution.”
- Ask your team for their opinions and points of view so they feel involved. Open communication makes your workplace feel more inviting and prevents people from feeling like they aren’t listened to. Frequently look for feedback on projects and ideas so your team gets involved and engaged with the company. Take them seriously and listen to their concerns. When you hear them say a good idea, acknowledge them and keep it in consideration moving forward.
- Avoid asking for an opinion or feedback on something if you’re not able to make the change. Otherwise, your employees may not feel like you listened to them.
- If you have an employee that’s hyper-critical of others, you may say something like, “Thank you for your opinion, but let’s hear from everyone else now.”
- Be careful of employees jumping in to take credit for ideas that aren’t theirs. Encourage all of your employees to speak up and give credit to the people who deserve it.
- Give feedback for specific behaviors rather than general guidance. Have you ever been frustrated by a vague bit of feedback that you aren’t sure how to respond to? Rather than making someone else feel that way, specify exactly what you want to address so there isn’t any confusion. By reframing vague ideas into actionable behaviors, you can make your employees feel more productive.
- For example, instead of staying, “Please work on being more conscientious of the time,” you might say, “Please try to be punctual for our weekly staff meetings.”
- Provide training and workshops to keep your employees engaged. Many employees get frustrated when they don’t feel challenged or don’t see any momentum with their job. If you want to keep your employees happy, look for training programs and skill workshops to incorporate into the company. Your employees will appreciate that you care about developing their future and helping them grow in the company.
- It also helps to have clear training paths in your company so employees can easily move up to new positions.
- Evaluate your progress with regular check-ins. It takes some time to get used to changes within a company, so don’t expect everything to be fixed right away. As you’re working on building a healthier workplace, have staff meetings every few months to track your progress and see how your employees feel. Listen to any concerns or feedback they have so you can continue improving.
- It can help to have a monthly meeting when you’re first starting, but eventually you may only need to check in once or twice a year.
Approaching Issues as an Employee
- Mention toxic behavior you notice to the company’s HR department. Your company’s HR department is there to listen to any concerns you have, so don’t be scared to approach them when you recognize an unhealthy work environment. Mention the issues you’re having and anyone that’s involved so your HR person knows who to address. Your HR department will do their best to address the issue.
- For example, you could say something like, “I’ve noticed that John has been really harsh on me lately. He’s getting upset when I forget something minor and I don’t feel comfortable.”
- Search for allies you can discuss the issues with. It can be really tough to feel alone at work, especially if other people have toxic behavior. Odds are someone feels the same way you do and also wants to make a change. Reach out to other coworkers who you’ve seen going through similar problems and who you can trust. Ask them how they’re feeling and let them know you’ve been through the same issues to confide in them. Together, you can brainstorm solutions and discuss the problem with upper management.
- Make sure you aren’t talking badly about people behind their backs since that’s another form of toxic behavior. Rather than repeatedly talking about their behavior, spend more time brainstorming solutions.
- If you’re afraid the person will talk behind your back after you confide with them, discuss what issues you’re noticing to your HR department or employer.
- Try to find a way to work with everyone on your team. Sometimes, clashes in the workplace happen simply because people can be very different. Something that makes you feel excited and energized might make someone else feel very drained. However, if you're able to talk through that with the other person, you might be able to find a workable solution to the problem.
- For example, if you notice one of your coworkers always blows off your ideas, think about how they work—maybe they're more of a big-picture or action-oriented person, and they don't enjoy the planning process as much. You could allow them to brainstorm the project while you break it down into actionable steps so it’s easier to complete.
- Talk to your coworker directly if they have toxic behavior. If someone is treating you or another coworker poorly, don’t be afraid to speak up and let them know how their behavior affects your entire workplace. Use a firm and assertive voice and ask questions to help them reflect on how they’re acting. They may not even realize their behavior caused any trouble.
- For example, you could say, “You keep joking that I’m not skilled enough for this position, and there must be a reason you keep saying it. In what ways do you see that?”
- Avoid blaming the person. For example, don’t say, “You’re taking credit for Stephanie’s work.” Instead, you can ask, “What specific work did you contribute to this project?”
- Focus on your own work to avoid negativity. Even though it doesn’t directly address the problem, finding enjoyment in your own work can keep you in a more positive mindset. Seek tasks that make you feel happy, cut out unnecessary distractions, and work on developing your skills. If you’re able to thrive in your work, you may not notice other peoples’ behaviors.
- Make sure that you don’t cut other coworkers out completely or get self-centered since that can be a toxic behavior as well.
- Set work boundaries for yourself so you don’t overstress. It can be really easy to check a few emails once you get home or start scheduling for the next day, but over time it will stress you out. Try to get in a mindset where you don’t think or worry about work once you get home. Keep your work life separate by not sharing personal details on the job and making friends outside of work.
- Make time for yourself to destress during the workday too. Take a full lunch break or go for a walk if you can get outside.
- Look for a fun hobby to keep your mind off work during your free time. If you’re all work and no play, it gets really stressful and you may not feel satisfied. Choose something that you’ve always been interested in and pursue it as a hobby. Some things you could try include intramural sports, birdwatching, board games, exercising, gardening, or knitting. Get fully involved so you have something to escape to after a long day.
- Check with your coworkers to see if they want to get involved with a hobby. It can be a great way to unwind and destress together.
- Search for a new job if you don’t see changes being made. Unfortunately, you might not be able to change or ignore toxic behavior. While it may seem discouraging to look for something else, it’s not worth your physical or mental health staying in a toxic environment. Search for companies that respect their employees and have values that align with your own. Chances are, you’ll find another position where you’ll fit into the culture much better.
Recognizing a Toxic Environment
- Look out for narcissistic or aggressive behavior. Many times, people who have toxic behaviors act like bullies. If you see other employees focusing on their own needs and getting angry when things don’t go their way, they’re contributing to the toxic environment. You may also notice them acting competitive, shifting blame, or overly critiquing others to bring themselves up more.
- Listen for ultimatums or phrases like, “You’re lucky you have this job,” since those are signs that you’re working in an unhealthy environment.
- Pay attention if there’s a lack of productivity. Working in a toxic environment is extremely stressful and can make you lose focus on the job you need to get done. If you’re managing other employees and you notice they’re not getting as much work done, there might be a problem in the workplace.
- Track how much time you spend working so you can see how you allocate your time. That way you can see exactly what interrupts your workflow.
If you’re an employee and you feel like you’re pulled away from tasks or overwhelmed by your duties, it can also be a sign.
- Compare the company’s values to your coworkers to see if they align. Even if you love what you do, it can be really difficult to work for someone who doesn’t care as much. Your boss and other employees may gossip about the company, complain frequently, act rude, or not take work seriously. When you don’t feel like your values are supported at work, it’s going to start feeling more draining.
- Evaluate what values are important to you and check if they still align with the company. If they don’t, then the company may not be a right fit for you.
- Watch out for work affecting your personal life. When you go home after a long day, do you still find yourself checking emails or thinking about work instead of relaxing? While it could be that you’re passionate about what you do, it could also be a sign that your job cuts into your social life. If you feel the need to go in early and stay late every day, then it’s not a healthy environment.
- Toxic workplaces can even affect your physical health. If you’re getting sick more constantly and you’re not sure why, it might be from a toxic environment.
- Find an external consultant to check over the company’s culture. While you may be able to recognize toxic behaviors in your workplace, sometimes it’s best to get a third party involved. As a manager, you can directly hire a consulting organization to observe day-to-day work to discover the core issues within the company.
- Even if you don’t think you need to get a third party involved, it can help recognize unhealthy behaviors that you’ve shut out or learned to ignore.
As an employee, you can look into working with a leadership evaluation and development program to examine upper management.
- Make sure you acknowledge your own toxic behaviors as well.
- Know that there’s not going to be one single solution to fix a toxic work environment immediately. It will take time and cooperation from everyone to improve.
- If you don’t feel like your work environment has improved, start searching for a new position so you don’t feel overwhelmed and stressed.
- [v160971_b01]. 5 April 2019.