Avoid Flirting
Maybe you're aware that someone you know likes you, and you don't want to give the impression that the feeling is mutual. Or maybe you're in a relationship and don't want it to look like you're thinking of cheating. For whatever reason, sometimes you just need to avoid flirtatious behavior. This requires a good deal of self-awareness and self-control - so be prepared!
- Do not share personal things with this person. Don’t talk about personal or home problems. Confiding is something that occurs between close friends.
- If this person starts to flirt, block it. He/She pokes you, don’t poke him/her back. Ignore them and talk about something generic.
- Don't look the person in the eye. Concentrate on something else while you talk to him or her, and if you do look at the person, don't hold the gaze, but don't look nervous or scared either. Look almost bored, but don’t be rude.
- Motion a friend to come over. If a friend senses your discomfort, they'll often intervene.
- Leave. Politely tell them that you have somewhere else to get to or someone else you need to talk to.
- Talk about your significant other or other guys/girls. Make sure this is naturally woven into the conversation, as this tactic can be very insulting if not done carefully.
- Use closed body language. Have your arms folded and lean away from the person.
- Ignore emails, text and calls not related to profession or work.
- Be aware of your surroundings, avoid the opportunity of another person seeing what is not meant for them.
- Don't give friendly "hugs" or anything like that. Make sure they know your relationship status and how you feel towards them.
- Don't be rude to the person. Give hugely obvious friend hints so they know for sure.
- If you can do it smoothly, tell the person they're like a brother/sister to you. Nobody likes to hear this, but it very clearly sends the signal that you value them and yet are not interested in a romantic way.
- Tell them that you're not really interested if they are really bothering you.
- Be careful when assuming that someone likes you or is flirting with you. It's quite insulting to employ these methods on someone who is just trying to be friendly.
- Don't touch the person. Touching is a main ingredient to flirting!
- Don't ask too many personal questions... you can talk about say how good the food is or coffee is, different places (you visited with your other significant one) you liked coffee and food...
- Don't ask too many questions ... you don't want to seem interested.
- Whatever you do... DON'T compliment that person!