Avoid Offending Uninvited Guests

When you have a party or event, it can be hard to decide whom and whom not to invite; particularly when it is a family party. If someone finds out that they were not invited, it becomes very easy for them to make your life difficult. However, there are ways to avoid such an awkward situation.


If You Are Confronted Beforehand

  1. When you make your guest list, keep in mind the people who are not invited. You do not want to let them know about a party to which they are deliberately not invited. Remember that the word can get out or you might let it slip in conversation. It may help to keep an explanation in mind, in case you get caught off guard.
  2. Think about why you do not want to invite someone. Is it strictly a family party? Has the person caused trouble in the past? Do you simply dislike the person? Be able to justify your reasoning, if you are confronted.
  3. If you have to do more explaining, keep certain aspects of the event in mind. Limited space, money, food or other necessities should be taken into consideration. Explain that there are no hard feelings and that he or she was not the only individual to be taken off of the guest list.
  4. When explaining, consider who was invited. You might inform the individual of another person attending the party that he or she does not like. Don't be brash; just casually mention it. This will likely eliminate their desire to go to the event.

If An Uninvited Person Shows Up

  1. The worst thing that you can do is make a scene, or to ask the person to leave. It will run much more smoothly if you act maturely about it and do not draw attention to it.
  2. Just because an individual was not invited does not mean that he or she should feel unwelcome. If you really can't stand being in his or her presence (or if they are bothering you), then try introducing him or her to other people at the party. That way, they will blend in and less people will notice your unexpected guest.
  3. If someone at the event tells him or her that they were not invited, they are likely to confront you about it. If that happens, give a legitimate reason explaining why they were not invited (such as one of the options listed earlier). Regardless, you should welcome him or her to stay.
  4. Prevent the uninvited person from getting into the party altogether by hiring a doorman. Give the doorman a list of people they are allowed to let in and if the uninvited person shows up, instruct the doorman to simply say "You are not on the list" and not admit them.[[Image:Avoid Offending Uninvited Guests Step 8 - Version 2.jpg}}

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  • This can take a lot of guts, especially if you are dealing with a person that you do not like. Be mature and polite about the situation.
  • It may be helpful to plan ahead and have some extra food, plates, chairs and anything else you need, in the case that unexpected guests should arrive.


  • Think very carefully about anything you say, especially if you are bothered by a person, or you are losing your temper. Think before you speak - you do not want to regret saying something later.

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