Be Satisfied With What You Have

Our inability to be satisfied with what we have stems from living in marketing societies that insist we need to keep purchasing more in order to be fulfilled. Time-strapped and cash-poor, we continue to strive for what we believe the "Joneses" and the Hollywood stars have - more money, bigger houses, faster cars, and lovelier spouses. However, all this wanting is leaving us unhappy and dissatisfied. Instead of wanting what we don't have, it can be a pure revelation to turn around and want what we already have. Here is a start on your path to satisfaction here and now.


  1. Be happy. Whenever you are feeling down, think of something that makes you feel happy and calm. It can be an ocean wave, open sky or a guy/girl that you like.
  2. Stop being frustrated. Give up a Grudge. Know that you have an inability to control things and other people. So stop trying to.
  3. Be calm. Relax & or meditate. Remember- what we now have was once among the things we wished for.
  4. Stop comparing yourself to others. When you compare yourself to someone else, you'll always find someone who has it better than you. ALWAYS. So- why do it? Sometimes it's better to enjoy the moonlight than to reach for the moon.
  5. Enjoy happiness now. Since there's always someone who has it better, there's always someone who has it worse as well. So just enjoy life, let things go, & do whatever makes you happy.
  6. Overcome addictions. Addictions are a sign that you're not focusing on the world around you but are trying to seek an escape. Don't ignore reality, find the good things & make your reality as good as your dreams. It can happen. Just believe.
  7. Live simply. So that others may simply live goes the adage... but the truth is, have too much stuff just becomes clutter and weighs us down. Realistically, how much of that stuff in your house do you really need and use regularly?
  8. Be grateful. Be thankful. Being grateful is healthy for you. Whatever you already have- be it health, loved ones, a good career, interests, hobbies, a car, clothes, a home, great views, talents, etc., make the most of it and be grateful for it. We take it all for granted, and many people would kill for what we have.
  9. Get out in the fresh air, appreciate nature, spend time with loved ones. This is all free but deeply satisfying.
  10. Be confident. Much of our own unhappiness stems from the fact that we focus on the negatives of our life more than the positives. Having a confident attitude will help you to focus on your strengths. Try walking away from a situation and dwell with contentment on what went right, instead of what went wrong or what could have gone better.


  • Keep in mind: You have no power to act on yesterday or tomorrow. All you can do is try to focus on and improve the quality of the present, which will in turn improve the quality of your future.
  • Spread acts of kindness, no matter how insignificant you may think they are.
  • Don't wait for satisfaction with life to happen on it's own. The only person that is able to get satisfied with what he/she has is you. You can start right now, so get up and just do it!
  • Look at others who don't have what you have, and you will feel good and will always be thankful for what you do have.
  • Smile at people; their reaction may surprise you, but it will usually make them happy. This will bring you happiness too!