Be Smart Without Being Nerdy
Do you want to know how to be smart but not nerd? It's simple, and there are only a few things you need to know.
- Think of yourself in a positive way. Don't think of yourself as the dumb person in the class. Don't let others get in your way of becoming the best. Remember you can be smart in many different ways.
- Study. Put effort into doing your homework and studying. If you have trouble tell your teacher or tutor that you are having trouble keeping up with the level of work that you are doing. Read very interesting books to help you become smarter.
- Put all this studying into your regular schedule each day. But remember to rest after working hard.
- Sleep. Make sure you get enough sleep according to your age. You do not want to be half-asleep in your class and not know how to do your own homework.
- Have cool friends like those best-friend clubs in movies. There's always a smart one but they're not nerdy. Call some friends and ask them if they would like to come to a sleepover every once in a while.
- Fashionable but sensible clothes will make you look normal, above average but not a nerd. Big and thick glasses are a no no. If you really need glasses, get fashionable frames.
- Get a reading buddy such as your best friend. Then everyday go down to the library together and read together.
- Get a fashionable yet organized bag. Ideally one that looks sensible, has cool features and is organized.
- Simple yet not simple hairstyle. Have a neat ponytail then mess up the ponytail at the back so it doesn't look too nerdy.
- If you are so into music, then try and get a iPod or Zune. Mp3s are fine but iPods and Zunes are better, because most nerds don't have them.
- Find websites that help you to study that aren't too boring for you.
- When you are at home, find a peaceful and quiet place to study. Make sure you feel comfortable.
- Stay with your group of friends.
- Remember that you need to rest. Don't stay up all night studying.
- Pay attention in class and take notes if you need to.
- If you are finding your work too hard, remember to tell your teacher or get extra help.
- Try your personal best.
- Study for tests. Ask someone in your family or one of your friends to ask you questions that will be on your test.
- It's okay to let go sometimes! Just make sure your work is done first.
- A tutor is a great way to raise your GPA (grade point average).
- If someone tells you're a nerd, ignore them!! They are just jealous that you are amazing and smarter than them!! :)
- Read a lot of books and don't do work that is too easy for you.
- Do not do something because someone say's that if you don't do it, you're a nerd. If doing something that might label you as a nerd, or wearing something that might label you as a nerd, and you like doing it or wearing it? DO it. Be original. Be yourself.
- Be yourself, even if that is nerdy to other people.
- People like to copy the work of smart people, so don't because you'll get in a lot of trouble.
- Some people may tease you and call you names. Just ignore them.
- There is nothing wrong with being a nerd, despite what society wants you to believe, so you should try and be yourself regardless of how others see you.
- Some people might want to talk to you. Tell them you'll talk after school.
- Don't wear high pants and do not wear nerd glasses.
- Do not laugh like one.
- Don't study too hard, make time to play and hang with your friends.
- Surround yourself with people that are not nerds.
- Avoid those nerdy clothes such as slacks and button down shirts that you tuck in. If you're a guy, do not gel your hair back. Make it look a little messed up or straighten it if you have long hair or just brush it for shorter hair.
Things You'll Need
- Pencils
- Pens
- Paper
- Ruler
- Eraser
- Books
- Computer
- Cool clothes
- Cool friends