Be a Film Maker

Have you ever been so interested in films so much that you've wanted to make one yourself? Well, if this applies to you; then this is the perfect article.


  1. Get a camcorder. Now this can just be a small point and shoot with video capturing abilities, a Flip Camcorder, or something as advanced as a Canon XL2 or a Canon XL H1S. As long as you can shoot video with it, you're fine with pretty much anything.
  2. Choose what type of video you want it to be. Do you want it to be a live action movie, with real people and sets or animation, like a claymation.
  3. Choose the type of genre you think is your style. They are:
    • Action
    • Adventure
    • Romance
    • Documentary
    • History
    • Comedy
  4. Get your friends to help. You may not think much of this step, but they can help as crew, actors, run-boys/girls, or anything you think could help. Use them to your advantage.


  • It's sometimes OK to make spin-offs or sequels, but don't make this your style.
  • If you ever get writers block, just watch movies.


  • Making live action movies take anywhere from 7-8 weeks to 3-4 months and special effects may take a few weeks. Animation using basics takes about a few days to a week, however advanced animations can take up to 2 months.

Things You'll Need

  • Camcorder.
  • Actors, producers, writers, etc.
  • Computer (for special effects).
  • Animation.
  • Animation Movie Maker like Windows Movie Maker or other similar software.

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