Be a Good Girlfriend in High School
High school relationships are fun and can result in marriages. In the midst of having fun, don't forget to practice relationship-related qualities.
- Don't smother him. Boys, especially in high school, want some time with their friends. Between classes, chat with him. Kiss him when you pass each other, but let him eat lunch with his friends sometimes. This is especially true if you are a new young girl dating an upperclassmen boy.
- Bring him lunch. If your boyfriend isn't the type to pack lunch, boys usually aren't, save him a few dollars by packing some of your mom's leftovers from the night before or making some fresh food for lunch or breakfast by waking up a little earlier. This will be highly appreciated.
- Be supportive. If your boyfriend's in sports, don't overwhelm him with complicated text messages when he gets home from practice. Do the same if your boyfriend's in an academic team or club, attend events and watch his games.
- Remember that you're in school. If you're lucky enough to attend the same high school as your boyfriend, don't let him let go of his grades. Encourage him. Help him if he needs it. If he needs a day of school, don't nag him for it, let him be and encourage him to go back in the next day.
- Be spontaneous. If you know some students who are office aides, buy him his favorite drink and write a note and have it delivered if you can't deliver it yourself. Hug him warmly in the halls.
- Pamper him. When boys are at school, they don't want to deal with a lot of things. If he is holding too many books, but you know he won't ask for help, ask him if you can "see" a couple and act interested in them so he doesn't think that you consider him weak.
- If you're an upperclassmen couple, be mature. Underclassmen girls constantly crave older men and if you see a freshman gazing at him or trying to get on him, kiss him in front of her but do not threaten or bother the girl. Your boyfriend's attention won't leave you, and if it does, he doesn't deserve you.
- Be a nice girl. If he introduces you to his friends, be cool around them, but do not flirt with them. If he wants you to meet his favorite teacher, do so respectfully. If he has younger siblings, look out for them and help them if they need it.
- Don't tell him you love him if you don't. Even if 'love' is tossed around easily, especially by girls, there are men who love the feeling of being loved by a girl, legitimately. Don't say anything you don't mean. Be safe and respect him and yourself.