Be a Hipster Blogger on Instagram

Blogging as part of using your Instagram account can increase your enjoyment of the service and help you to connect with others interested in the things you have to say. Being a hipster blogger means being ahead of the trends, forming your own and generally being ready to comment on the up-and-coming.


Designing a great blog

  1. Have a cool user name. Cool names tend to attract more people, which means you will get more followers.
  2. Be sure you have a good bio. Having a good bio helps people know what your account is all about. Explain your pictures, where you're from, how many followers you have, camera type, follow me, and anything else you think your followers should know.
  3. State the location. People like to know where your pictures are taking or where they are from.

Making the pictures pop

  1. Use a white border around your images. To create the white border, download Instacollage. Use frames to add style to your pictures.
  2. Use filters. Hipsters use filters a lot. Common filter effects include black and white and vintage (sepia).
  3. Use good pictures. People don't want to see bad taken photos. You can repost some (with credit if asked) so your blog always looks brightly colored.
    • Invest in a good photo app. For example, Retrica.
  4. Have a Tumblr girl picture. Or, add anything really neon and bright to attract people to look at your awesome hipster blog page!
  5. Focus on images people will respond to positively. For example, take images of clothes/pickups, the coffees you're enjoying (work that latte art), scenery, pennyboards, Tumblr quotes, Gifs, what your Gramps knitted you that is so retro yet so tomorrow too, etc. Highlight novel things, new trends, interesting stuff that people are yet to cotton onto; remember, the hipster finds it trendy before others even notice.
  6. Keep your pictures on topic. If it's random too many times, you risk losing followers. Once you've established your niche, enrich it with relevant updates. If you start to veer into another area, consider adding a different blog or account just for that topic, or change gradually with explanations, so as to alert your followers that you're acting randomly but you're "growing".
  7. Go crazy with tags! They help people notice your pictures so they can like them and follow your blog.

Maintaining the blog

  1. Upload daily. Most hipster bloggers upload a lot to let their followers know what's going on.
  2. Use the return. Returns help to space out your comments. They make it look neater and aid the reading eye through good use of space.
  3. Have fun doing your hipster blogging. There's no point doing it unless you're enjoying it. And most of all, be nice to everyone on your blog. You get back what you send forth.