Be a Lipstick Lesbian

lipstick lesbian</h2> noun informal
a lesbian who favours a glamorous, traditionally feminine style.</b>

A lipstick lesbian is simply a homosexual female that has a highly feminine style and attitude (as opposed to conforming to the stereotypical masculine characteristics that are connected with being a lesbian) as well as an attraction to other feminine women. <b>Note 02.01.2016: Thankfully since the time this article was originally written, the stereotype of needing to be 'masculine' (and many other stereotypes associated with sexualities) as a lesbian is no longer as prominent as it once was. However this article is still relevant for those seeking some advice or insight into what a 'lipstick lesbian' is or help finding their identity.</b>


  1. Don't be afraid of makeup. Wear as much or as little as you would like. If it makes you happy, go ahead. You don't have to wear makeup, however.
  2. Wear what you like. For a more feminine feel, opt for skirts and dresses. They don't have to be short or revealing, just any shape or style that you are comfortable in. However there is no textbook way how to dress. The idea of a 'Lipstick Lesbian' is somebody who retains a feminine appearance but this doesn't mean you have to be in dresses all the time.
  3. You want a shoe that's both comfortable and feminine. Heels work well, if you can survive wearing them, and kitten heels work well for those who find them difficult to wear. If all else fails, pumps are cute and girly, and will work just as well. Just like the outfit however, you should wear what makes you comfortable, and there is no textbook 'you should wear these shoes'.
  4. Be honest. If you are asked whether you are straight, don't just shy away and agree. Be proud and honest about your sexuality.
  5. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Some people may not believe you are homosexual because you seem too feminine, and many have the cheek to demand you prove it. You don't have to prove it, because if they don't believe you in the first place, why are they worth proving it to? However, you are free to do so if you choose. It is your own decision.
  6. Do not feel pressured. 'Lipstick lesbian' is at best, a label, but you do not need to conform to any label. Do not feel pressured to adhere to a particular style to represent yourself in a way that makes you uncomfortable. Be true to yourself!


  • A shopping spree will do good if you need to refresh your wardrobe.
  • There are a lot of LGBT communities/forums online you can take part in.
  • Never force yourself to be something you're not, and accepting yourself as you are is important. It's okay to be gay and dress whatever way you like - there's no specific way you have to look.


  • Some people may have a problem with you if they find out you are homosexual. Be careful, and if things get ugly, walk away. Always call the police in an emergency.
  • Some men will assume you are straight and may try to hit on you. Since men are used to being rebuffed by straight women, you can choose to decline their advances with or without explaining that you are a lesbian.
  • Many women believe that every lesbian is out for them. Often women act strangely around lesbians because they think the lesbian 'fancies' them. If this is not the case, make it apparent.
  • Some lesbians may not recognize you as a lesbian. This may make it harder for you to date or connect with other lesbians.
  • If people believe you are straight and then find out you are not, they may act differently around you. Especially women. Just try to tell them it doesn't change who you are.

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