Be an Obedient, Well Behaved Child

Do you hate that look of disappointment in your parents eyes? Or do your parents favour a more obedient, mature sibling and you want to be like them? Time to drop the rebellious attitude and respect your elders!



  1. Before you can make the change, you must understand that your parents are adults, and you are a child, they are adults and you must respect your elders, you can never be truly well behaved unless you respect your elders.
  2. Develop your obedience, when your parents give you an order, obey it at once without questioning it. Even if you don't feel like doing it, do it cheerfully. It won't be as bad as you think!
  3. Accept that you are a child. You may not like this, but it's true, you are JUST a child, even if you are intelligent, the adults know more than you, it's not because you're dumb, you're not. It's just because they have been around longer, respect your elders, words cannot describe how important this is.
  4. Do chores without being asked, if you can see that something needs doing, do it. If you overhear your mother complaining about having to do the dishes, give her a surprise and do them for her.
  5. Do not cheek your elders. Don't answer back, use bad language, talk about adults behind their back or act bored when they are talking to you.
  6. Try to be forgiving. Parents are humans too and can make mistakes. Instead of snapping back at them or patronizing them, be mature and try to understand their situation. Ignore the aspects which you don't like and instead focus on what you like in them.
  7. Attitude of Gratitude. It is not easy to be parent. As a child we are not even aware of the hard times they may have gone through while raising us when we were infants and toddlers. Recognize their good qualities and appreciate them for all the good they have done for you.
  8. If you have siblings, treat them with love and respect. Treat them as you want them to treat you, do this with everybody. If your siblings are younger, help them. When they want to play with you, play with them (unless you are doing chores or homework; then tell them no politely). They look up to you and admire you so set a good example. If your sibling(s) are older, then respect them and look up to them, they are not your parents, they may not even be adults, but they are your elders.
  9. Do something nice for your parents. They've been doing so much for you!
  10. Find out what the house rules are and obey them. Go to bed on time and wake up at a good time on the weekends, like 8 a.m, 8.30 at the latest, six thirty at the latest on a school day.
  11. Get good marks and school reports. Your parents won't be very proud of you if you get bad marks, a B is the lowest grade allowed if you want to be impressive, and even a B isn't nearly as impressive as an A, A* or A+!


  1. Now it's time to stop wearing ripped jeans and T-shirts with offensive messages on them. Try wearing colours like pink and baby blue, maybe lavender, or neutral colors.
  2. Don't wear too much jewelry.
  3. Don't wear too much make up, parents hate that! If you are 5-9 years old, do not wear make up, if you are 10 or 11 years, then try some pretty lip gloss in a cute flavour, when you turn 12 maybe try blush, depending on how strict the parent is. If you are 13 then try mascara too.
  4. There are a few ways to style your hair, under 14's could try pigtails, any age group could try half up and half down, it's cute and parents like to see their daughters looking cute.
  5. Take a bath. Parents/guardians shouldn't have to nag you to take a shower/bath, do it anyway, but ask permission first, if they say no, don't argue.
  6. Use deodorant and perfume, but not too much perfume, save up to buy these yourself though.


  1. Remember your Manners. If your parents are talking but you have a question, don't interrupt, wait until they are done. Say please and thank you. If you burp, remember to say excuse me. If someone asks you to pass the salt/pepper/sugar etc, do it immediately. Hold the door for people, stuff like that.
  2. Don't talk at dinner time unless asked a question.


  • Follow the school and house rules.
  • Complete all homework assignments.
  • Be mature, sensible and reliable.
  • Keep your room tidy.
  • Don't bully anyone even if everyone else does.
  • Smile, smile, smile!
  • Don't take advantage of substitute teachers.
  • Don't spill food on yourself.
  • Never leave your shoes untied.
  • If you don't like fruit, eat vegetables and vice versa.
  • Answer all questions in class.
  • Try your best with your behaviour no-matter where you are.Your parents won't have to nag at you about this!
  • Be very nice to your siblings.
  • Do some extracurriculars, like learning to crochet, or play a sport. This normally makes them proud of you. Don't obsess over your hobbies, though, or it could become annoying to them.


  • Turn your phone off in class. Only take it to school if it is allowed in the school and also by your parents.
  • Don't get bad marks.
  • Don't swear.
  • Don't get any kind of punishments in school, including being told off, so don't talk when the teacher's talking, don't forget equipment, and don't chew gum in class.
  • Don't smoke or drink.
  • Don't do anything dangerous.
  • Don't play in the mud.

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