Become a Hafiz

A hafiz (the keeper, keeping against forgetting) is a person who memorized all of the Holy Qur'an and could recite it from memory. There are little kids who are hafiz, this is because they started at an early age. The younger, the better.


  1. Always start memorising the new lesson (called Sabaq) after Maghrib Salat (or maximum after Isha Salat).
  2. Memorise the Sabaq ( new lesson ) completely (if still remaining to memorise) after Fajar prayers and read it to your teacher.
  3. Every day read the Sabaq(new lesson) along with the older lesson from the previous 7 days.These previous 7 days lesson are known as MANZIL or PICH-HLA, 7 days lesson are the least lessons for daily repetition, a normal man should revise up to last 15 lessons (as preferred by Pakistani professional Qaries i.e. teachers of hifz classes).
  4. Every day also read a complete Juz (part) of Qur'an that you have memorised previously.
  5. Start by basically learning the language of Arabic; if you can read it without understanding that will also be fine as Arabic can easily be memorised without knowing meaning of it! This is a miracle of the Holy Qur'an.
  6. Since the ending part of the Qur'an is easy to memorize, start from the end of the Qur'an, take your first sabaq of at least one surah i.e. Surah-an-Naas.
  7. Repeat the verse with looking until you know you know you can read it without looking, then read the verse without looking about 5 times.
  8. Keep reviewing the verse or how much you did and in the same day memorize another part.
  9. Work as hard as you possibly can.
  10. Increase the number of pages you memorize a day when you feel you could do more.
  11. Once you achieved the target of getting sabaq one page, continue with same amount of lesson for at least fifteen days, do not try to just put all your memorising power to learn your daily lesson i.e. Sabaq, take equal tension for what you have memorised previously, but try your best never to miss your daily lesson.
  12. Stay dedicated and always think positive.
  13. Keep working and know you can do it. Never back down, and never slack off of your work.
  14. Stay in a quiet room. You can try to listen to recitation of the qur'an, but to some people they can become distracted.
  15. When you have finished memorizing, read it to someone else, preferably, a sheik, and do it on daily basis.
  16. Always ask for Allah's help with the du'aa (help prayer to Allah) to help you with your goal.
  17. Always review what you have memorized. If not, it will all be lost in a matter of months.
  18. Have patience and believe that you can do it. Motivation is the key.
  19. Ask someone to listen to you while you memorizing the Qur'an. (Muslim holy book.)
  20. Also, it is highly recommended to learn the Arabic language so you understand what you're reading. Please note that understanding the Quran is more important than merely memorizing it. In case you know the meaning it will really helpful to remember and recall. Quran is the book of guidance and without understanding its meaning we can't earn guidance which is the most important thing in this worldly life.
  21. If you ever get involved with a problem just approach to a sheikh for solution. He may also give you address of someone better then him to solve your problems i.e. professional Qari (teachers of hafiz classes).


  • When you memorise a new ruku, use it in salah so you don't forget.
  • Pray to Allah.
  • If you start forgetting what you have memorized, then stop memorizing more for a while and concentrate on reviewing
  • For some verses you need to repeat 10-20x
  • Start with the 30th Chapter. Then, when you are done, start from Alif Lam Mim.
  • When you learn any surah, review reading with the Qur'an. You could also pray Nafl to review.
  • Find a fellow hafiz and train with him.
  • Learning 3 verses everyday will help you become a hafiz in 10 years. But most of the students take only two and a half years or possibly 3 years to complete memorizing whole Qur'an Majeed.
  • Some Hafiz give lessons in their house on Weekends, sometimes weekdays too!
  • As you memorize the Qur'an, also study the meaning and tafseer.
  • The younger you are the better you memorize and it's EASIER because you don't have much in your brain
  • Try masjids as well, they have good classes. Check your local masjid first, if not then check more.
  • Find an Arabic teacher that will teach you Arabic. It is better than English transliteration. It will be more clear to you! It will have everything! Punctuations, vowels, etc.
  • Listen to your favorite sheik or qari( Mishary Rashid and Sudais are recommended) online or on your iPod, it will give you motivation, and insha'allah help you with Tajweed( Rules for Reciting the Qur'an ).
  • Walnuts are very useful, they increase memory.
  • If you want, go and board a Darul Uloom. They can make you a Hafiz in 3 years and, if you want, an Alim too.
  • There are Hafiz Classes in various places, mostly Walthamstow.
  • There are many Darul Ulooms,like Bury,Bolton,Bradford,Blackburn,Kent etc.
  • Darul Uloom accept boys age 11 to 18.(Different Darul Ulooms vary.)
  • Find a madrasah with other students so you have encouragement


  • If you recite the Qur'an without proper pronunciation, the verses will get translated improperly.
  • It's a sin to memorize and forget, so once it's done, try not to forget it
  • Always look for a well trained scholar, well trained in the recitation of the Qur'an.
  • Some children rebel when too much is expected of them, don't expect your children to do something you are unwilling to do

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