Become a New York City Street Fair vendor
A New York City street fair vendor is an individual who sells merchandise or offers services at street fairs in New York City. Street fair vendors usually set up booths or stands at festivals or street fairs. Vendors must first register with the street fair's sponsoring organization and obtain permission and permits from the city before setting up their booths. Here are the steps for becoming a street fair vendor in New York City.
- Determine the merchandise and/or service you wish to provide. This detail will be requested on the permit application.
- Contact the street fair's sponsoring organization.
- Obtain a list of street fairs from the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). The monthly updated list from the DCA outlines all street fairs that have registered with the city's permit office. The list includes the information you will need to contact the sponsoring organization of the street fair, such as organization name, location and contact information.
- Register with the sponsoring organization. Contact the sponsoring organization of the street fair to register yourself as a vendor. This is a requirement before applying for a permit.
- Study the New York City licensing laws. You must be in compliance with the business licensing laws. Download the New York City Licensing Law document from the DCA website.
- Submit a permit application to the DCA. The required Temporary Street Fair Vendor Permit application may be downloaded from the DCA website and submitted in person, by mail or online.
- Fill out the application. The application asks for your name, address, phone number, social security number and sales tax identification number. You also must answer questions about your merchandise, business license and history, and criminal background, if applicable.
- Present photo identification. A driver's license or State Department of Motor Vehicles non-driver's license identification is an acceptable form of ID. Other forms of ID accepted include a passport, green card, a government employee ID card and a government agency-issued permit or license.
- Submit a photograph for the permit application. Submit a current, passport-size color photo of yourself. If submitting the application in person, photographs are taken free of charge at the DCA Licensing Center. If applying online, the photograph may be submitted in digital form.
- Fill out the Granting Authority to Act Affirmation. This form needs to be filled out if someone else will be filing your permit application for you.
- Fill out the Child Support Certification Form. This form is required and asks questions about whether or not you are paying child support.
- Pay the permit fee. If paying in person, acceptable payment options are credit cards, money orders or checks. If paying online, pay with a major credit card. The online fee will include a convenience fee.
- Submit the completed application. Bring the application into the DCA Licensing Center at the address listed on its website. Alternatively, mail the application to the same address or submit the application online.
- Use the temporary permit for the designated street fair only. The Temporary Street Fair Vendor Permit is only good for 30 days and cannot be used as a general vendor license. Violators are subject to a fine, arrest or confiscation of goods.