Become a Strong Torn City Player
This is a short guide to being the best in Torn City. Just follow these steps and keep in mind of each tip.
- Type the following into your web address bar to create an account:
- Join Woody's Work Out Club, located under Local Gym in the newspaper.
- Visit the Job list in the newspaper and get a job at a Casino. Change your profession to Medical, once your working stats are enough. After you become a brain surgeon, you can quit and get a job in the army where you can then spy on other players.
- Train your stats at 55% speed 25% dex 20% strength 5% (this is with the old system)
- Search for money under the bridge, 30 times successfully.
- Do 100 of each crime, before you move to the next one.
- Join a faction with a good amount of respect, which shows how active the members are, with high chains which shows that they're organised for war and provide weapons and good pay.
- Buy a donator pack for a 150 energy bar, to increase your battle stats faster.
- Do the missions located in the city to earn more money.
Factions, Warring & Attacking
- Remember to include your battle stats when joining a faction or your application will be declined.
- Join a good faction and be very active in Organised Crimes/OCs.
- If the surrender fee is insane, bargain carefully if not abandon the faction & create a new one after a week.
- Hospitalising a targeted faction only increases your faction's respect.
- The 'faction war base' (which is coloured red) is located above faction announcements.
- It's best not to attack other players until you're Level 5.
- Do not attack other players in stronger factions or your faction will be chained.
- Do not create a faction too early as you can't manage it, get experience in other factions.
- Buy a chainsaw as your first piece of equipment, and there is no point in buying armour if you do not train your defence.
- if you buy a raven and a hammer you can not only attack people around your level when your weak, you can also get a gym membership in a few hours of play.
Jobs & Educations
- Choose Casino as your first job, then Medical second once you have enough Intelligence for maximum cash.
- Later, you can choose to join the Army later to spy on enemy battle stats.
- Do not race until you have a 'driving license' or you'll crash.
Buying & Selling
- Be careful when buying at the Item Market. Some things are way overpriced.
- Xanax is a profitable item to sell. Can be obtained overseas.
- Cars like the BMW Z8 and GT40 are hot in demand due to the new racing feature. They can be sold at auctions for a high price.
- Once you have completed the necessary education courses you can program a virus and sell it for cash. Stealth virus is most wanted and requires 100 days of programming. Just steal or buy a personal computer and choose to 'Turn On'.
- Hard to get items like gas can and Yasukuni swords can be sold for millions!
- Remember to look into info to see its original price to prevent getting cheated.
Getting Cash
- Complete all missions for a lot of cash (Guides & cheats to the mission are at: ).
- You can bust players out of jail for cash.
- You can find free items if you visit the City often enough.
- Join a well-paying company. You will gain less working stats doing this.
- Hunting in Africa is a waste of time. You get lots of cash but your stats will be neglected in the process.
- Morphine is very sought after in the game so put them up in auctions for a high price.
- You can sell points for cash unless you want to use it at the points building
- Never use merits to get cash, it isn't worth it.
Points & Merits
- NEVER use a single merit without thinking twice or you'll regret it.
- ALWAYS vote twice a week to obtain 'points' which could be later sold or used.
- Points can be used to refill energy bars or get other stuff at the Points Building.
- Slap yourself hard if you used merits for cash, buyable items or to increase life.
- Yes, you start out with a shack but you can surely start to move into newer houses soon.
- The better the house it, the better your happiness is, happiness makes you train better, also rumored it makes your crimes more successful.
- If you're going to hire staff, make sure it's within your wages, so don't go spending $40,000 a day if your income is $15,000, unless you can keep up.
- Don't go begging older players for you to live with them, if they are feeling generous they usually post in the 'Properties' section in the forum.
- It's easier and cheaper to buy a second hand house from estate agents, preferably if you trade in your older houses.
- Upgrades can be done to each house adding more happiness, the better the house the more upgrades you can apply. Each gets more expensive depending on house.
- You can rent houses on the rental market, there is a feature to make it show cheapest cost (per day) in order as well as the order as rental period.
- You can find a gold ring in Cars or Apartments when doing larceny or buy it from an auction. You can then propose to someone to be your lifelong partner.
- Get married early with an active player to gain merits periodically.
- Get married so that you can share the cost for the house.
- You will lose the house if you file for divorce (unless you marry yourself, divorce away!).
Training, Crimes & Job
- The power of your weapons must correspond with your level or you'll miss hitting the target.
- There is an invisible XP bar so keep in mind that failing an attack or being jailed will lower your experience.
Levels aren't (always) important
- There are four reasons to increase your level: Life, job points, Merits, and how much of the city you have access to.
- Your life increases with each level gained.
- If you work for a "starter" company, rather than a player owned one, the amount of job points you gain per day is directly dependent on your level. A brain surgeon gets 550*level worth of job points a day, so the higher your level, the more specials you can do.
- You get Awards for reaching certain level milestones. Your rank is also affected at certain levels. For example, when you hit level 31, your rank will increase. When you hit level 75, you are given "The Beautiful City" Honor. Merits are of course awarded each time you get a medal/honor.
- There are level specific sections of the city. At level 15, you can travel. It is important to remember that if you use drugs and want to stay in education, you will need to travel to Switzerland to use the drug rehab. Otherwise you will get kicked out of your education.
- There are also missions available at different levels. While interesting and fun, higher level missions require you to defeat NPCs with high battle stats. If you can't beat the NPC, you won't beat the mission.
- The higher the 'nerve bar', the more difficult the crime you can do.
- Do a crime too difficult and you'll be jailed or hospitalised.
- Change gyms when you're Level 10.
- Donor packs provide multiple benefits.
- Always take part in 'education courses' for a quick increase in stats.
Net Etiquette
- Most curse words in the forums are now filtered ('f**k', etc), and light usage of them is generally tolerated by staff members, although using them is against the rules.
- Do not use l33t or txt lingo as it pisses people off & you might get attacked.
- Your account will be deleted for having multiple accounts.
- Don't spam chat boxes, or flame you will be bountied and banned from chat boxes.
- It is NOT true that you can't get anywhere if you're new. Make sure to log on and build your stats, and you'll get there.
- Scamming people is now legal, so be sure when you sell items to use the trade feature only.
- A lot of people are paranoid conspiracy theorists who think all staff are cheaters.
- Don't disrespect a staff member, if you ever call a member of TC staff stupid you will be banned.
- Do not beg/ask for players to give you gifts cash or items. You will be warned,and bountied if you continue to do so.
- Your account will be suspended temporarily for abusing forums.
Things You'll Need
- An Internet connection
- MSN/Yahoo messenger or IRC to communicate for an organised war
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Sources and Citations
- -- Torncity
- -- the best site with tools, calculators, guides for companies, tutorials and many more!