Block Ads on Google Chrome

Chrome now has a large selection of extensions that allow you to easily block all of those annoying ads you find around the web. These extensions are free, and you can quickly customize which sites you want ads to appear on and which you don't.


Using AdBlock

  1. Click the Chrome Menu (☰) button.
  2. Select More toolsExtensions.
  3. Click the "Get more extensions" link at the bottom of the page.
  4. Search for adblock plus
  5. Click the "+ Free" button next to the AdBlock entry in the "Extensions" section.
  6. Click .Add in the window that appears. You will see the AdBlock icon appear in your toolbar, near the Google Chrome menu (☰).
  7. Click the AdBlock button and select "Options". This will allow you to set your general options for AdBlock:
    • Allow or disallow Google text ads. These are the small ads that appear at the top of Google searches or on the sides of websites.
    • Allow specific YouTube channels to be whitelisted (for channels you want to support).
    • Add AdBlock options to the Google Chrome right-click menu.
  8. Click the "Filter Lists" option. This will allow you to change what lists AdBlock uses to block and other content.
  9. Select any extra filter lists you'd like to use. These will block extra content beyond the regular ad blocking.
    • AdBlock Warning Removal list - This will remove warnings on websites about running AdBlock.
    • Antisocial filter list - This will remove the Facebook “Like” button along with all other social media buttons.
    • EasyPrivacy - Helps to protect your privacy by blocking tracking.
    • Fanboy's Annoyances - Removes a variety of small annoyances around the web.
    • Malware protection - Blocks sites that have known malware issues.
    • Custom filter URLs - You can enter in the URL for other filter lists that you want to add to AdBlock.
  10. Click the "Customize" option. This section allows you to add sites to your whitelist, which keeps AdBlock from blocking ads on that domain. It is good internet courtesy to add all of your favorite sites to your whitelist so that the site-owners can still generate revenue.
  11. Click "Show ads on a webpage or domain". Add sites to your custom whitelist.
  12. Pause AdBlock while browsing. If you come across a site that you want to view ads on, you can pause AdBlock without having to go through the process of adding it to the whitelist. Click the AdBlock button while browsing and select "Pause AdBlock" to view the ads on a website.

Using Adblock Plus

  1. Click the Chrome Menu (☰) button.
  2. Select More toolsExtensions.
  3. Click the "Get more extensions" link at the bottom of the page.
  4. Search for "adblock plus".
  5. Click the "+ Free" button next to the Adblock Plus entry in the Extensions section.
  6. Click .Add in the window that appears. You will see the Adblock Plus (ABP) icon appear in your toolbar, near the Google Chrome menu (☰).
  7. Set your options on the "First Run" page. This page will open when you install Adblock Plus for the first time.
    • Malware blocking - This will attempt to block sites with known malware.
    • Removing social media buttons - This will remove Facebook “Like” buttons and other social media sharing buttons.
    • Disabling tracking - This will help prevent websites from tracking where you are going and coming from.
  8. Click the "ABP" button and select "Options". This will allow you to set the basic options of Adblock Plus.
  9. Allow or disallow non-intrusive advertising. AdBlock Plus can leave small, non-intrusive ads on the page. Leaving these enabled can help site owners generate
  10. Add custom filters. If you come across any other filters that you want to use with AdBlock Plus, you can add them here.
  11. Add sites to your whitelist. Good browsing etiquette suggests adding all of your favorite sites to your Adblock Plus whitelist. This will allow them to display their ads and generate revenue for the site.
  12. Pause Adblock Plus while browsing. Click the "ABP" button and click "Enabled on this site" to disable Adblock Plus on the site you are currently visiting.

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