Block Websites on an iPad

Apple makes it simple to block websites on an iPad (or any iOS device). When you block a website using the Restrictions menu, it will be blocked in every browser. You can block specific sites, or block all websites while only allowing approved ones.


Blocking Specific Sites

  1. Open the Settings app and tap "General." This will load the iPad's general settings.
  2. Tap "Restrictions" to open the parental controls menu. If you have previously enabled Restrictions, you'll need to enter your Restrictions passcode to proceed.
  3. Tap "Enable Restrictions" and create a passcode. This must be a different passcode than the one you use to lock your iPad. Make sure you remember this code, as you'll need it to make any changes.
  4. Tap "Websites" in the "Allowed Content" section. This will open the website restrictions controls.
  5. Tap "Limit Adult Content" to block specific websites. This will enable you to add specific sites to block, as well as generally blocking sites with adult content.
    • If you'd rather block everything and only allow a handful of approved sites, see the next section.
  6. Tap "Add a Website" in the "Never Allow" section. This will allow you to enter the address of the website that you want always blocked.
  7. Type the address that you want to block. This will add the website to the "Never Allow" list, which will prevent it from loading in Safari or any other web browser on the iPad.
    • Make sure that you add all of the versions of a site. For example, blocking won't block the mobile version. You'll need to add "" as well.
  8. Continue adding sites that you want to block. Keep adding website that you want to restrict access to. If you find that you need to enter a lot of websites, it may be easier to block all websites and only allow specific ones. See the next section for details.

Allowing Only Approved Sites

  1. Open the Settings app and tap "General." You may find it easier to block all websites, and then only allow access to specific ones. This is great for kids, since you can tailor the web just for them.
  2. Tap "Restrictions" and enter your passcode if prompted. You'll only be prompted for the passcode if you've previously enabled restrictions.
  3. Tap "Enable Restrictions" if they aren't already. You'll be prompted to create a Restrictions-specific passcode, which you'll need to enter whenever you want to make changes.
  4. Tap "Websites" in the "Allowed Content" section. This will enable you to adjust your website blocking settings.
  5. Tap "Specific Websites Only." This will block access to all websites except the ones that you allow.
  6. Tap "Add a Website" and enter the website you want to allow. Make sure you enter the mobile version if necessary, such as ""
  7. Continue adding websites. You can add as many websites to the list as you'd like. Each website you add will be able to be accessed through Safari or any other installed browser. All other websites will be blocked.[1]

Sources and Citations