Buy Wine for a Crowd

Wine is usually served at weddings, parties and other social occasions, and is typically a crowd favorite an any event. There are many factors that can influence how to buy wine for a crowd including the occasion, including the number of people attending, the time of the day, and what kind of foods are being served. Don't make the mistake of purchasing the wrong wine and confusing or annoying guests at your next gathering.


  1. Calculate how much wine you'll need.
    • The average guest will drink 2 glasses of wine per hour, with each pour being about 4 oz. (120 ml). Multiple the number of people attending your party by 2 (2 glasses each per hour) and then multiply that number by the approximate length, in hours, of the party. Therefore, if you have 20 guests, they'll consume 40 glasses of wine per hour. For a 3 hour party, that's about 120 glasses of wine. Divide that number by 6, which is the number of 4 oz. (120 ml) glasses per bottle, and you'd need 20 bottles of wine for your guests.
  2. Pair the wine with any food to be served.
    • White wines classically pair with fish, lighter dishes and cocktails. Red wines, especially full-bodied ones, pair better with beef and game meats, pasta and heavier dishes. If you're offering a variety of foods it is best to include a variety of wines such as a Riesling, which is a lighter, sweeter white, a Chardonnay that is full-bodied and aromatic and a drinkable red such as a Merlot.
  3. Consider the costs.
    • Wine prices can vary greatly from inexpensive to very costly. Perfectly good wines can be purchased for around $10.00 USD per bottle, and if you buy by the case, most wine merchants will discount the price by 10 percent. If the occasion is more intimate with fewer guests, then buying some better bottles of wine might be in order.
  4. Factor in the time and day of the event.
    • People will generally drink less wine for a morning or early afternoon event compared to an evening one, and events held on the weekend will require more wine than those during the week. Most wine merchants will refund unopened bottles of wine if you buy large quantities and arrange this with them ahead of time. If your event is on during the evening and on a weekend, allow for 1 or 2 extra glasses of wine per person per hour.
  5. Consult your local wine merchant.
    • Your local wine merchant is a valuable resource who can guide you on wine selection. He might suggest certain wines that are more suited to the season of the event, or ones that might be popular in that particular area. Always ask the wine merchant for their advice and suggestions.

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