Buy a Valentine's Gift for a Boyfriend/Girlfriend

If you are stuck on finding a suitable Valentine's Day present for your loved one read on. This article will tell you how to choose a Valentine's present based on personality and interests.


  1. Make hints on what the both of you would like for Valentine's Day. Make sure you have more than 2 choices otherwise it will become obvious what you are going to get.
  2. Excuse yourself from the room making sure you have a valid reason e.g. Having a shower (make sure you leave the water running), shave, clean up (only use this if you are naturally neat. Whilst you are out make a list on what your partner said. Don't forget to keep hinting and adding to your list!
  3. When you are in the house alone look at your partner's things and see what he needs. Also take into consideration your partner's interests and personality.
  4. When you go to buy the present ask the shopkeeper to help you choose. Remember to describe what your partner is like.
  5. When Valentine's Day comes act as if you didn't get them anything. Then bring in the present and there you go.

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