Chill Wine
The temperature at which a wine is served has a significant impact on the wine's flavor, structure, and aroma. The body and style of a wine dictate its ideal temperature, with many wines - particularly light-bodied whites - benefiting from a cold chill. Chilling wine can be accomplished in several ways, each taking a different amount of time and effort to achieve the ideal temperature. Learning how to chill wine properly will allow you to serve wine at the temperature best suited to its flavor profile.
Chilling Wine in the Freezer or Refrigerator
- Try the fifteen minute rule for small-scale storage and serving. Store red wine at room temperature, then place in the fridge 15 minutes before serving. White wine, which is generally served a bit cooler, can be stored in the fridge, then removed 15 minutes before serving and placed at room temperature. This method isn't perfect, but will achieve temperatures that most wine drinkers will enjoy.
- Chill wine in the refrigerator for 40–150 minutes, for better results. If you have extra time, you can chill wine to a more desirable temperature. From room temperature, full-bodied red wines require about 40 minutes of chilling in the refrigerator. Light-bodied white wines will need a full 2½ hours to reach serving temperature.
- Chill wine in the freezer for rapid results. From room temperature, white wines will need about 15 minutes of chilling, or 20 if they are light-bodied with low alcohol content. Medium-bodied reds will be ready after 10 minutes, and full-bodied reds can take as little as 5. Set an alarm if you are likely to forget about the wine, as it could freeze if left in too long.
- The ice bucket method described below is even faster.
- Use a thermometer for precise control by grape variety and vintage. If you want to maximize your control over the wine's temperature, use an infrared thermometer or contact thermometer from a kitchen supply store. Wine aficionados determine the optimal temperature to serve wine at based on its body, or the feel and apparent alcohol level in the mouth:
- Light-bodied white wines should be chilled to around 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius). This includes Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and all sparkling wines.
- Medium- to full-bodied white wines, such as Chardonnay and Sauternes, should be chilled to between 50 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 13 degrees Celsius).
- Light-bodied red wines like Pinot Noir and Merlot should be chilled down to between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 15 degrees Celsius).
- Full-bodied red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, and Shiraz should be served at about 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius).
Chilling Wine in an Ice Bucket
- Use this method for last minute chilling. This method can cool a red wine to serving temperature in two minutes, and even a light-bodied, low-alcohol white wine can be properly chilled in five to ten minutes.
- Add ice to a bucket or large bowl. If you are using a wine bucket, fill it about ⅔ full of ice. For a larger bucket, fill it to approximately ⅔ the height of the wine bottle.
- Pour water to the top of the ice level. Pour the coldest water you have access to into the bucket, until it is level with the ice.
- Mix in a handful of salt. Salt lowers the freezing temperature of water, allowing the ice to cool the water a lower temperature than it would normally be able to. This in turn chills the wine bottle more quickly.
- Smaller grains of salt tend to be more effective. Rock salt will work, but may have a less noticeable effect.
- Submerge the bottle. Lower the wine bottle upright into the water. This should cause the ice water to rise above the shoulder of the wine bottle.
- Rotate the bottle. Spin the neck of the bottle with your hands while waiting for the wine to chill. The movement will cause the wine inside to move around in the bottle, so more of the warm wine comes into contact with the chilled bottle, speeding up the process slightly.
- Dry before serving. Remove the bottle when it reaches your preferred temperature, or after approximately 2 minutes for red and 7 minutes for white wine. Remove the bottle and dry it with a cloth or paper towel. Serve immediately.
Storing Wine
- Store horizontally, in a cool, dark place. Always keep your wines in an area under 70ºF (21ºC) and away from direct sunlight. Store horizontally on a wine rack to keep the cork moist.
- Find alternatives to a wine cellar. If you plan to age wines or store expensive wines, but don't have a wine cellar, Age-Wine-Without-a-Cellar. The temperature should be close to 55ºF (13ºC), and the area should be quite humid. If this environment is not available in your home, move on to the options below.
- Dig an underground storage space. You can build your own cheap "cellar" by excavating a pit in a shaded area of your backyard. Place the wine bottles inside a wooden box, insulate the box on all sides with aluminum foil, and lower it into the pit. Cover the pit with plywood or any sturdy cover. Including a thermometer is recommended, since soil temperatures and climate can vary greatly, but as long as the temperature stays stable at a temperature between roughly 45–60ºF (7–16ºC), it can be used to store wine at larger quantities and lower expense than a refrigeration system.
- Purchase a wine refrigerator. These are sometimes called electric wine cellars, and are the most expensive option for storing your wine, after hiring someone to dig a full-scale cellar! You may prefer to spend the extra money on pre-aged wines instead, but the wine fridge could be a good option if you have a few dozen bottles, or if you want to taste how different bottles of the same vintage age over time.
- Full-featured models allow different temperature zones for different types of wine.
- While you can chill wine in a couple minutes using dry ice, this method is rarely worth the hassle and risk of injury. Put on thick cloth or leather gloves, place the ice and bottle in a sealed, airtight bag for a couple minutes, then empty the bag outside. Dry ice can be found in laboratory supply stores, or requested at some grocery stores.
- Do not leave wine in the freezer unattended, as it can freeze and cause the bottle to crack. Rapid temperature changes from hot to cold or vice versa can also break glass.
- While some people suggest wrapping the bottle in a wet paper towel before putting in the freezer, the towel may trap heat and make the wine take longer to chill.
Things You'll Need
- Wine
- Refrigerator (optional)
- Freezer (optional)
- Bucket
- Ice
- Water
- Salt
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