Choose Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Choosing the right moisturizer for dry skin can be daunting when you're confronted with endless bottles, jars and vials at the cosmetics counter. When you choose a moisturizer for dry skin, consider the severity of your problem, the causes, and when you use the product, then look for ingredients that target dry skin.


Determining Your Needs

  1. Determine your skin type. Your skin type can help you decide what kinds of products are best suited for you. Different types of skin respond better to different products.
    • A heavier, oil-based moisturizer generally works best for dry skin. You may even want to consider petroleum based products if your skin is cracking; however, if your skin tends to have other issues in addition to dryness you might want to consider adding a couple different types of moisturizer to your skin care regimen.[1]
    • If your skin is oily, making it prone to acne breakouts, try applying a lighter moisturizer to your face after washing. Areas that tend to be oily, such as the face or scalp, will not need the same treatments as other areas of the body.[1]
    • If your skin is easily irritated and you're prone to redness and rashes, ingredients like aloe and chamomile can help. These soothing components smooth over cracked, dry skin. You should also avoid anything containing fragrances and dyes.[1]
    • If you're older, an oil-based moisturizer is best as oil-producing glands in the body become less active.[1]
  2. Explore any underlying problems. Dry skin may be related to underlying skin problems. You might want to see a dermatologist for a prescription cream if your skin dryness is accompanied by certain symptoms.
    • Eczema and psoriasis can lead to dry skin. If you have one of these conditions, you will also break out in scaly rashes and may frequently experience dead skin coming off in flakes.[2]
    • Sun exposure can cause dry skin. If you live in a sunny area, you should talk to a dermatologist on how to best prevent your skin from sun damage. Too much sunlight can cause certain cancers like melanoma so it's important you educate yourself on how to stay protected.[2]
  3. Ask for help, if needed. If you're unsure about what kind of moisturizer works for your needs, as a doctor, pharmacists, dermatologist, or someone working at a health food or skin care store. Oftentimes, people are unsure what kind of products they need if their skin is dry in some places and oily in others or if they have certain conditions, like eczema, and are unsure if products could potentially make symptoms worse. If you're struggling with decision making, ask a professional for help.[3]

Selecting a Moisturizer

  1. Read labels. To start, you should read labels of any products you're looking for. Depending on your skin type, you should be on the lookout for different ingredients.
    • People with dry skin should look for heavier moisturizers. A moisturizer containing antioxidants, dimethicone, and grape seed oil or petrolatum, which prevent water loss from the skin, can be helpful.[4]
    • If you tend to have oily skin around your face, you can always use a water-based moisturizer on your face and an oil-based one on dry areas like knees, hands, and elbows. It should be labeled "oil-free" and list water as one of the first ingredients.
    • Products containing retinols can cause your skin to dry out, so choose a gentle preparation and use it very sparingly at first — every other night at the most. Follow this with a moisturizer.
  2. Experiment. Chances are, you'll have to try several brands before you find a moisturizer that works for you and your skin. It might be best to buy small bottles of a variety of products until you've settled on one you really like. See if any product you're curious about trying has travel-size or sample-size options, as this will prevent you from overspending or left with lotions you cannot use.[5]
  3. Aim to buy a moisturizer that doubles as sunscreen. Protecting your skin from the sun is important, especially if it's compromised by dryness or cracking. Look for a moisturizer that also includes sun protection. Many moisturizers also include sunscreen.[5]

Using a Moisturizer

  1. Apply moisturizer when getting out of the shower. The water in a hot shower removes certain oils from your skin. Always replenish these oils by applying your chosen moisturizer upon getting out of the shower, paying close attention to legs, knees, hands, and other areas susceptible to dryness.[5]
    • Use ointment and creams vs lotions. Use creams or ointments that contain olive oil or shea butter.[6]
  2. Use as needed throughout the day. You should apply the moisturizer as needed. You might need to use lotion after some of the following:[5]
    • Being exposed to cold weather
    • After exercise
    • After washing your hands
  3. Follow certain precautions when using heavier creams. In generally, heavier oil-based creams should not be used on your face unless you have excessive dryness. This can clog pores and lead to acne breakouts.[5]

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Sources and Citations