Clean Converse Shoes Using a Magic Eraser

Converse© shoes can be a hassle to clean. Whether it be dirt, Sharpie marks, blood, or paint, they tend to get messy. So for all of you Converse© owners out there, here is a simple way to clean your shoes, and make them shine, using a Mr Clean Magic Eraser.


  1. Go and get a box of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.
  2. Get an old toothbrush and Dove soap. If you don't have Dove, any bar soap is fine.
  3. Set up a sort of "cleaning station" next to your kitchen sink. Lay out a dish towel to put your shoes on, and keep paper towels handy.
  4. Clean the rubber first. This is where the magic erasers come in. Take the Magic Eraser, wet the whole thing, then squeeze out the excess water.
  5. Take the eraser, and essentially "buff out" all of the dirt on the rubber sides and toe. Scrub hard, and don't be afraid if the eraser starts to deteriorate, it's supposed to do that.
  6. Use your paper towels and dry the rubber thoroughly.
  7. Take the Dove or bar of soap, and wet it. Then, take the toothbrush, and scrape some of the bar soap onto it.
  8. On the cloth part of the shoe, use the toothbrush and scrub just the stains on it. Use a circular motion.
  9. After scrubbing the stains, take a paper towel, wet it, and use it to remove the soap off of the shoe.
  10. Take the magic Eraser again, and this time, use a lighter scrubbing motion on the whole cloth part of the shoe. Do not scrub any printed-on design.
  11. After both shoes are done, you can do 1 of 3 things. You can:
    • 1) Set them out in the sun to dry.
    • 2) Use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.
    • 3) Toss them in the dryer for a few minutes.
  12. After all those steps are done, your Converse© should be nice, clean, and dirt free. Feel free to add foam soles or what not.


  • If your Converse© have printed or painted designs on them, do not use the Magic Eraser on the cloth.
  • Do not leave your Converse© in the dryer with other clothes, because they can tear holes into delicate shirts, underwear, and even some pants.

Things You'll Need

  • Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
  • An old toothbrush
  • Dove soap or any mild bar soap
  • A sink

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