Clean Oven Glass
Whether you’re cooking a lasagna or a casserole, oven splatters happen. This can cause your oven glass to collect food build up over time. By doing routine cleaning, removing heavy staining and performing routine maintenance, you can keep your oven glass looking its best.
Doing Routine Cleaning
- Create a baking-soda scrub. Mix a solution that’s 3-to-1 water to baking soda in a shallow bowl until the soda dissolves. It will have the texture of a loose paste. Open your oven, and spread this mixture on the glass of your oven door. You can use your fingers to spread it on every bit of the glass.
- Let the baking soda paste sit on the glass for 15 minutes. The baking soda mix will begin to loosen the stuck-on grime on your oven glass. Set a timer for 15 minutes.
- Scrub the glass with the rough side of a sponge. After the baking soda mask has had a chance to soften some of the splatters on your oven door, scrub the mixture with a kitchen sponge. Use the rough side to loosen as much of the stuck-on food as possible.
- Rinse with plain water. Rinse your sponge and wipe up the baking soda mixture, working from one side to the other. Periodically, rinse and wring the sponge, until you’ve cleaned up all traces of baking soda.
- Dry the glass with a clean cloth. Use a clean, dry dishtowel to dry your oven door. If there are any remaining traces of baking soda, use a damp sponge to wipe them up and re-dry those areas.
- Use a glass cleaner to remove streaking. For sparkling, clear oven glass, use a commercial glass and window cleaner, such as Windex, to give the glass one last wipe. Spray some of the cleaner on a paper towel and wipe from side to side. There is no need to dry again. Your oven is now ready for use as normal.
Removing Heavy Staining
- Heat your oven to 100-125 degrees F (37-51 degrees C). For stubborn stains, turn your oven on to a very low heat between 100-125 degrees F (37-51 degrees C.) Once the oven has reached temperature, turn it off, and open the door for 1 minute to cool slightly. You’ll know you’ve reached an optimal level of warmth when the door is warm, but not hot to the touch.
- Do not turn the oven on higher than 125 degrees F (51 degrees C). If the door gets too hot, you could accidentally burn yourself.
- Warming the stubborn food particles slightly will help them soften.
- Spray the warm oven glass with an oven-safe cleaner. Spray the warm oven glass with an oven-safe cleaner, such as Easy-Off Oven Cleaner or Oven Pride. Use just enough to cover the glass, but not so much that the cleaner is pooling. Close the oven door for 5 minutes.
- Scrub with kitchen scrubber. Open the oven and scrub the oven glass with a kitchen scrubber or damp scrubbing sponge. Work in circles to best loosen any stuck-on food. When finished, rinse the area by wiping it down with a clean, damp sponge.
- Dry the glass with a clean cloth. Use a clean, dry dishtowel to dry your oven door. If there are any remaining spots of firmly baked-on food, use a straight razor to gently scrape them free.
Performing Routine Maintenance
- Clean your oven glass weekly. To keep your oven glass looking great, perform a regular baking soda cleaning once a week. Put a reminder on your calendar to help make it a part of your weekly cleaning routine.
- Wipe up bad splatters right away. If something messy splatters in your oven, try to clean it as soon as the oven glass is cool. This will keep your mess from getting baked on many more times over, which will ultimately make it more difficult to clean.
- Run your oven’s self-clean function once a month. If you have an oven with a self-clean setting, run it once a month to keep your oven grime-free. This ultra high heat setting will help neutralize oven messes and ensure your oven functions its best.
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Water
- Dishtowel
- Sponge
- Oven-safe cleaner
- Razor blade
Sources and Citations