Remove a Scratch on Glass Cooktops

Scratches on glass cook-tops can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as sliding your cookware across the cooktop surface or by storing appliances or other items on the cook-top when it is not in use. While there are steps you can take to prevent scratches from appearing on your cooktop, sometimes you may need to remove or repair scratches that have been caused accidentally. Cook-top scratches can usually be removed with either baking soda and water or by using a cleaning or metal polishing cream.


  1. Allow your cooktop to cool down completely before you begin to remove scratches.
    • Applying baking soda paste or cleaning creams to the cooktop surface while it is hot may cause injuries.
  2. Mix baking soda and water together to make a paste with loose consistency.
    • The paste should have a consistency of pudding and contain a loose, liquid form.
    • You may want to stir the paste with a spoon to make sure there are no large clumps of baking soda. If the baking soda mixture is too dry or abrasive, it may cause additional scratching on the cooktop.
  3. Use a soft cloth to apply the baking soda paste mixture to the scratches.
  4. Rub the cloth in gentle, circular motions over the scratches.
  5. Use the cloth to remove any excess baking soda paste from the cooktop after the treatment.
  6. Use a fresh, clean cloth to buff your cooktop until it is completely dry.

Remove Scratches with Cleaning or Metal Polishing Cream

  1. Apply a small amount of cleaning or metal polishing cream to a soft, dry cloth or cotton ball.
  2. Select a small area of your cooktop that contains scratches for testing.
    • This procedure will test your cleaning cream for its effectiveness in removing scratches and for its abrasiveness. You can use a metal polishing cream or a ceramic cooktop cleaning cream from any retail store; however, you may want to consult with the manufacturer of your glass cooktop for cleaning cream product recommendations.
  3. Use small, gentle, circular motions to rub the cotton ball or soft cloth over the scratches.
  4. Use a damp, clean cloth to remove any excess cleaning cream from the cooktop.
  5. Examine the cooktop to see if the scratches have disappeared from the test area.
  6. Proceed to use the cleaning cream on all the other scratches on the cooktop.
    • Repeat the steps you took to apply the cream to the test spot, rubbing the cream with gentle, circular motions over the affected areas.
    • If scratches still remain on your cooktop after treatment, you may want to apply the cleaning cream to a gentle scrubbing pad instead of a cotton ball or soft cloth.

Prevent Glass Cooktop Scratches

  1. Lift pots and pans up from the cooktop instead of sliding them around.
    • The friction caused by positioning your pots and pans around the cooktop by sliding them around may create additional scratches.
  2. Clean the bottoms of your pots and pans before you place them on the glass cooktop.
    • Residue on the bottom of your pots and pans such as dry, burned food may scratch the cooktop.
  3. Cook using pots and pans that have smooth, flat bottoms.
    • Cookware that contains designs on the bottom such as rings or ridges may create scratches on the cooktop.
  4. Keep your cooktop free of appliances or other items when you are not using it.
    • Carelessly placing items on the cooktop may scratch it, even when you are not using the cooktop to prepare food.


  • Do not continuously scrub over any scratch spots on your cooktop that won't disappear because doing so may cause further damage or create dull spots.

Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon
  • 2 Soft, dry cloths
  • Cooktop cleaning cream or metal polishing cream
  • Cotton balls

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