Get Rid of Microwave Smells

Microwaves tend to absorb the smells of the foods that you cook in them, especially if something burns. Over time, this can lead to some pretty unpleasant odors. The best way to get rid of these is to give your microwave a thorough cleaning with white vinegar. If that alone doesn’t do the job, you can then try a couple additional steps to combat persistent odors. After that, taking a few additional measures will help keep your microwave smelling pleasant.


Cleaning with Vinegar to Deodorize

  1. Microwave a water and vinegar mixture. Combine ½ cup (118 ml) of water with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar in a large microwave-safe bowl. Put the mixture in your microwave and nuke for roughly five minutes at its highest setting. Then let it sit with the door closed for about 10 to 15 minutes. This will enable any gunk or crusted bits of food to absorb the steam, which should work them loose and negate most odors.[1]
  2. Empty the microwave. First, take out the bowl of water and vinegar. Be sure to wear oven mitts or another form of protection, since the bowl may still be hot. Then remove the glass plate, as well as the turntable support or rolling ring that the plate rests on (if your microwave has one).[1]
  3. Wipe the inside. Dampen a paper towel, microfiber cloth, or similar material. Use this to scrub the inside of your microwave, as well as the inside of the door. Repeat as necessary if you need more than one towel or cloth.[1]
  4. Use a scrub brush for tougher grime. If bits of food have cooked into a crust that’s too tough for a paper towel or cloth to handle, switch to a scrub brush. Combine one part water with two parts vinegar in a bowl or spray bottle. Then either dip your brush in or spray the area inside your microwave and scrub vigorously.[1]
  5. Clean the plate, plus its support or ring. Clean these in the sink as you would any regular dishware. Use warm water, dish soap, and a sponge to give them a thorough scrubbing. Rinse them under clean water and then dry them with a dish towel before placing them back in the microwave.[1]

Eliminating Persistent Odors

  1. Test after cleaning. Hopefully, washing the inside of your microwave with vinegar will have gotten rid of any burnt or food smells. Once you’re done, give it in a sniff. If you still detect the same smells as before, move on to the next steps.[2]
    • If not, leave the door open so the vinegar scent airs out. Test again later on to make sure the vinegar didn’t overpower any lingering odors that become more obvious as the vinegar airs out.
  2. Switch to vinegar and baking soda. Don’t count vinegar out just because it didn’t get the job done the first time. If smells persist, soak a sponge with pure vinegar, then dust it with some baking soda. Microwave on high for about 25 seconds. Then use the sponge to wipe down the inside of your microwave a second time.[2]
  3. Move on to nail polish remover if needed. If wiping your microwave down a second time with pure vinegar and baking soda didn’t do the trick, grab some acetone-free nail polish remover. Soak some cotton pads or cotton balls in it. Use these to wipe down the inside of your microwave.[2]
  4. Remove the nail polish remover if used. Don’t leave these chemicals lingering in your microwave. Use a sponge to wash away the nail polish remover with dish soap. Then wipe down the inside again with a one part water to two parts vinegar mixture. Leave the door open so the microwave airs out.[2]

Taking Additional Measures

  1. Microwave something citrusy. Grab some fresh fruit, like a couple of oranges or a lemon. Peel the oranges or cut the lemon in two. Fill a bowl with 1 or 2 cups (237 or 473 ml) of water. Add the orange peels or lemon halves. Microwave for four minutes (or less, if needed, to avoid burning any fruit breaking the water’s surface). Let it sit anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours with the door kept shut.[2]
    • This is definitely advised if you used nail polish remover. Citrus should eliminate any lingering smell from that.
  2. Absorb odors with baking soda or coffee grounds. Open a new box of baking soda or simply place an old one inside your microwave. Let it sit for 12 hours so it can absorb any smells that still linger. Alternately, dump fresh or used coffee grounds into a cup or bowl and use that instead.[3]
    • Either practice is a good preventative measure to keep slight odors from growing stronger between uses.
  3. Clean regularly to avoid more smells. Ideally, give the inside of your microwave a quick wipe down with paper towels and a mixture one part water and two parts vinegar after every use. If that isn’t possible, keep the door open after each use to air it out. Then give it a thorough cleaning at least once or twice a month.[1]
    • Any spills or other large messes should be cleaned immediately. If you don’t, these will cook and recook and stink up your microwave with each subsequent use.

Things You’ll Need

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Microwave-safe bowl
  • Paper towels, microfiber cloths, or similar materials
  • Sponge
  • Dish soap
  • Sink
  • Baking soda (optional)
  • Acetone-free nail polish remover (optional)
  • Cotton pads or balls (optional)
  • Citrus fruit (optional)
  • Coffee grounds (optional)

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