Clean a Car for Someone

You are looking for a job in the neighbourhood and you want to make a bit of cash? Cleaning cars is already a good option but you have to feel confident in approaching other people to get your little service started. Here are some suggestions.


  1. Knock on your neighbours' doors. Be sure to dress professionally, clean and neat.
  2. Ask them kindly if they want their car cleaned. Have a very clear spiel ready as to why you will do a good job, what products you use that protect the car, and a decent price that you have already researched and know is competitive. If they say no, just say no worries and goodbye to them. If they say yes, you just found yourself a job!
  3. Find quality car washing materials at a good price. You will have to factor this into your costs and the profit that you expect back. Often hot soapy water works as well as expensive detergents. Get a big bucket of hot soapy water, a sponge, some car polish, a towel and a hoover (if you are cleaning the interior) and get on with it!
  4. Be prepared to spend a decent amount of time on cleaning and reflect this in your costs charged to the client. Cleaning someone's car can take up to 4 hours, so it might be difficult.
  5. Ask for payment. Explain anything extra that you have done. If you did everything perfect, you might as well get a tip!


  • If there is some little bits of dirt you cannot get off with the sponge, use your nails (make sure not to scratch the car).
  • After you cleaned off all the dirt, use some car polish to make the car shine more.
  • If you are cleaning the inside of the car, make sure you clean the carpets, the boot, the seats and the dashboard.
  • Cleaning the rims of the car will make the car much better looking.


  • If the owner of the car finds a scratch on his car that he didn't see before, he might sue you for it.
  • Your parents might not let you do this (if you're a kid).

Things You'll Need

  • A client with a car
  • Hot soapy water
  • A sponge
  • Car polish
  • A hoover (for the interior)
  • A towel
  • Long nails (for little bits of dirt)
  • Parents allowance to do this job.
  • Interior cleaner
  • Interior protectant

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