Clean a Kitchen Table
"A clean kitchen table is a happy one."-- Anonymous
Even if you don't believe that kitchen tables have feelings, don't you want a nice, clean one? Follow these steps and maybe your table will be "happy."
- Throw away the trash! People use their tables for many different things...eating, doing work, or sometimes even just as an extra storage place. But where there is "stuff," there is probably trash. So take a garbage bag and sort through all of your "stuff" and throw away anything you don't need. Be sure not to throw anything away in haste. If you think you may need it then keep it, but put it in its proper place. A good rule of thumb for any clutter is if you haven't used it or thought about it in over 6 months you don't need it.
- Put all items where they belong. Take the dishes to the sink, put the loose papers in your file cabinet, and hang up those keys! Try to keep the kitchen table for food only. If you don't have any other table to work at, then make sure that you clear it off before eating at it again. You don't want to ruin a good kitchen table by cluttering it with a work atmosphere.
- Use a wet washcloth and wipe down the table. Wash it thoroughly and then make sure nothing is placed on the table for a while to let the table air dry completely.
- Use an old toothbrush or q-tips to clean in any cracks of the table. You won't believe how much dirt can stick into hairline cracks and no mater how much you rub it down, the dirt will stay.
- If the table is not wood, a little diluted bleach will work great to disinfect and polish. Even something like Lysol wipes will clean very efficiently.
- For wood tables, however, do not use anything harsher than soap. Try to buy a polish that cleans like an orange or lemon oil and scrub it into the wood until it gleams. This will also make the table a lot easier to clean in the future. Repeat the oil step at least once every couple of weeks depending on how often the table is used for food.
- If you have a wood table that you use everyday for food, get a sealer or at least even something like Pledge which will protect the wood from heat/cold damage. The worst thing on a beautiful table is a ring.
- If you don't have any cleansers, just use a warm, damp cloth. Wipe over it afterwards with a clean, dry one so that you don't get markings, especially if the table is nice wood.
- Watch out for glass or other sharp objects, including tiny chips of the table that may have splintered off.
- For harsh chemicals you will want to make sure you are wearing rubber gloves.
- Make sure children or pets are not around, for you are using cleansers that could harm your children or animals.
Things You'll Need
- Trash bag/can
- Washcloth
- Any form of surface cleaner that you already have or that you pick up in a store.
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