Converse with a Guy Online
Ever get stuck on what to talk about during a conversation? Don't know what to talk about? Find out some ways to keep a guy talking for hours on your Instant Messenger or sometimes referred to as the MSN or IRC or AIM.
- Be more informal and casual in your conversation. Choose "hey" rather than "hi". Ask him, "how's it going?", or "what's up?". If he asks you the same thing, don't say "same" because that will give him an impression that you are dull. Tell him anything about your day, even if it was stupid. (Saying 'nothing' could make it a dead-end conversation.) That would make him laugh and think that you have a good sense of humor!
- Never gloom. Don't tell him what a bad day you've had - at least at the first chat, save that until you know him better. Otherwise, you may come off as gloomy or boring.
- Show him who you really are. Get yourself a webcam, and get on to him. That not only gives him something to talk to, it gives him things to talk about. You can now show him things in the room or on yourself. If he has one too, ask if you can watch, if he doesn't offer. Be careful not to expose too much!
- Avoid asking him short-answer questions. Questions like "Did you see that movie?" is one of them. The answer would be either Yes or No. That's too short. Elaborate and say "That movie looks pretty good. I wanna go see it sometime." It can give both of you a new topic. Do not forget to reply to everything he said.
- Talk about anything; his favorite band, color. Don't talk about yourself all the time, considering you may come off as self-centered and self-obsessed.
- Know how to end the conversation. When he says he has to go or if you have to go, say something like "I'll see you tomorrow" or "talk to you later". Something that will imply future plans or chats with him.
- Be careful about talking to him too often. Chat with him often enough to keep in touch, but not every single day. There is a chance it will become less and less special if it becomes too frequent.
- Only ask a guy out online as a last resort only. It's much better to ask him out in person. When it comes to more serious times in a relationship, never ask anybody out online. This also works with break-ups.
- Finished.
- Be yourself! What's the point in him liking a false you?
- Some of these tips won't work, but don't doubt yourself. If he doesn't want to talk to you, then you remind yourself "He's missing out on a conversation with me!" If it does not work out with him, there are others.
- Think of a few things you can chat with him about before you start the conversation. Going into a conversation without anything to talk about can result in some awkward silences and can kill the conversation before it's even begun.
- Try to keep the conversation to a reasonable length.
- If you talk to a guy online and you know who he is, but never talked to him in person, and you want to tell him you like him, consider your options. Is the Internet your only option? Telling him in person is an infinitely better option.
- Do not be afraid to joke with him. It will help keep things a little casual and the conversation more comfortable.
- Be cautious of continuing to type if he isn't responding; you might sound obsessive.
- Be careful with how much information you give away.
- Avoid typing things like "LOL" all the time, especially when there is nothing funny being said.
- If you're not an adult, avoid talking to anyone you don't know and especially don't give any personal information away such as your picture, telephone number, address etc. If anything you're not completely comfortable with is said to you or happens to you online or on instant messaging use this website:
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