Convince Your Parents to Buy Grand Theft Auto 4 for You
If you too young and want GTA 4 then this is for you!
- Firstly, understand from your parent's point of view. They are probably not letting you buy the game in the first place because it's not really meant for you.
- If you really want to buy it and convince your parents, let them know you understand the situation.
- Tell them that you know the amount of violent and adult language/material/miscellaneous present in it.
- Explain that you are mature enough to understand the line between real world and virtual world and that you would never attempt to perform anything that you see in the game.
- Finally, ask them to get the game for you. But if they say no don't nag and nag them because then they are less likely to let you have it because you've annoyed them
- Always remember to be nice to your parents, never yell or raise your voice.
- Always make sure that you have built up a bond of trust lately; you should already have this though!
- If all of that fails, then show your parents a video of someone doing a police call and say it is a police game. That is, of course, if they don't know the series is about all the things in a criminal life style. Remember that lying is immoral.
- If you have recently had an achievement (such as great grades), that could work in your favor.
- Tell them very importantly: they have instilled the good values in you. They must trust you enough to know a video game won't make you homicidal.
- You may have a higher chance if your birthday is soon. Your argument could be that you are becoming more mature and can handle it.
- Let them build a strong trust that you will not enter the strip clubs. They will know that they can trust you. If you don't want to tell them about the strip clubs because you think that it will lower your chance, do not tell them. But don't go if you want to keep it. They could find out.
- Work out their problems, agree to what they say and understand that they're scared you'll turn into some gun-slinging, drug-using gang banger who works as a pimp at night.
- If your parents say no, gather some appropriate research GTA videos to show your parents in-game activities such as racing. If they still say no, do not argue and definitely do not say, 'but it's my birthday!' Or 'but I made good grades'. If they think that you deserve it by following these steps, they will give it to you.
- If you have M rated games, such as Call of Duty, Don't tell them that it is the same thing! If they feel strongly about you not having Grand Theft Auto 4, they might take away your other M rated games because they are "the same thing."
- Don't say, "All of my friends have it!". Your mom might call their moms and you may not get the game.
- Make a presentation, have everything in order.If they say no, then be calm and show maturity. Try after a few months.
- Be nice to your parents. Don't yell or be mean or be demanding.
- Make sure that you don't start repeating words from the game. Profanity is not good to say around others, and your parents will easily notice.
- If parents find out that you got game without permission, you may be punished.
- Realize that the game which you are asking for is quite violent, and filled with inappropriate content. Ponder if this is really what you want, because it has the following things: drug use, murder, prostitution, theft, and armed robbery.
- When the employee says the game is rated M for the reasons your parents might get you in trouble
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