Cook Zipper Bag Omelets

A super simple omelet—no mess, no mistakes, no skill required. You can prepare it the night before, store it in the fridge, then cook it in the morning. Also great for camping, holidays, etc.


  • Eggs
  • Fillings (cheese, tomato, bell pepper, cooked potato, mushrooms, onion, salt and pepper, etc.)


  1. Cut, Chop, Shred ... Prepare the fillings you want in your omelet.
  2. Boil water in a large pot.
  3. You need a one-quart freezer bag for each omelet you are cooking.
  4. Break two eggs into a bowl. Beat eggs with a whisk or fork—like you would for scrambled eggs—then pour them into the freezer bag.
  5. Place the omelet filling into the freezer bag.
  6. Close the bag and mix all of the ingredients and eggs together by gently shaking the bag.
  7. Open the bag to remove air, then reseal.
  8. Place the bag into the boiling water for about 12 minutes.
  9. Remove bag form water. Open bag, dump eggs onto a plate and serve.


  • Put names on individual bags and cook several at a time in a large pot.
  • Each egg should cook for 6 minutes: a three-egg omelet = 18–20 minutes cooking time.

Things You'll Need

  • Stove
  • Whisk
  • Quart-sized freezer bags
  • Large pot
  • Water

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