Make a Cheesy Omelette
A cheesy omelette that's very easy to make.
- Crack and put the eggs in a bowl and beat well until uniform yellow color. (usually, for every 3 eggs, put 2 yolks, more yolks means more cholesterol).
- Add a pinch of salt.
- Heat a pan and add vegetable oil or butter (butter being more fattening).
- Get the omelette ingredients ready and hand-toss in a separate bowl.
- Pour egg into pan and let cook for about 7 seconds (the hotter the pan, the shorter you wait), do not fold the egg or touch the egg with a spatula during the 7 seconds.
- Pour omelette contents into center of still liquid egg part.
- Fold the "edges" of the egg over onto itself to cook the cheese and other contents. After about 20 seconds of total cooking time, use the spatula and partially dice the contents and stir-fry like normal.
- Take pan off once the egg has turned solid, but before it becomes browned.
- Serve hot
- Remember to oil the pan, no oil means a big mess for cleaning.
- Adding milk to the egg mixture can make omelette more tasty.
- Do not overheat the pan, otherwise the egg will cook too fast.
- Dice all the omelette ingredients well for even cooking.
- Don't eat eggs? Try egg substitute instead!
- If you cannot fold the sides in well, try folding the whole thing in half like a tortilla, then proceed like normal.
- You also can put some ham in the omelette.
- Be careful of the pan, it will be HOT!