Copy an Essay Without Your Teacher Finding Out
Ever want to get out of writing an essay or paper? It's possible to copy and paste an essay without your teacher ever finding out, leaving you free to spend your time doing other things.
- Go on the Internet and find an essay or a write up or something about your topic and copy and paste it into a word processor.
- You must change some words around in the essay, so if the teacher checks it, it wouldn't come up in Google. If the teacher checks every sentence then you might have to change a word in every sentence. This however could still get you busted if the sentences are too similar. If you want to make sure paraphrase (reword) the essay. That way you only have to retell the information, you don't get caught, you can use the original bibliography and don't have to research for yourself. On top of that you'll also have learned a little about the subject without putting too much effort into it.
- If you copy directly make sure that the font and format are the same. A common mistake is writing Times New Roman for what you wrote, and when you copy something it was in Arial.
- Make it all one color and hide or remove any hyperlinks. If you are emailing it to your teacher, right click on hyperlinks and deactivate them.
- Make sure nothing is bold or in italics.
- If you have a bit more time try to find an essay on the same topic and stick bits of that in as well. Don't forget to change words on this one too though.
- Add in some information of your own. Most teachers can recognize a vastly different writing style.
- Hand it in and pray the teacher doesn't find out.
- Understand that if you get caught plagiarizing, it does actually stay on your academic record, and this means if you decide you want to go to graduate school, you've basically screwed yourself.
- Know that most teachers can smell stolen writing from a mile away; the essay won't sound like you, no matter what you do.
- If you put half the effort of cheating into actually writing your own work, you'll probably do just fine.
- One more way to do this is to search the essay topic on another language. If you live in Spain, but you're good at English, look up the topic in English. Millions and millions of people speak English and write essays in English on the Internet, chances are that you will probably find something. This totally works the other way around. Even if you don't speak any other language but say English, go to Google translate and find the topic, then look it up and translate it again. Make sure everything that's translated makes sense and is written properly and that the grammar is flawless, cause even Google can be wrong. Your teacher will probably never think of looking the topic up on another language and you will most likely never get caught. Don't share this with too many people though, cause if the word goes around your school, teachers will start checking and you might get in real trouble.
- Make sure all the words in the essay are ones you understand.
- Make sure you use a font that is slightly unprofessional, because one like that would never be used on a website.
- Don't tell anyone about it, even someone you trust because this is private, and you don't want the teacher knowing.
- Put at least one common spelling mistake in your essay, prove that the writing is truly yours!!
- Change the language a little if it is too sophisticated and with old English.
- Comment to the teacher on how you found the essay to seal the deal.
- There are many programs that professors use now that calculate how much of your paper came from a website. Simply changing a few words will not protect you.
- Don't list the website you copied it from in your bibliography!
- If you do this a lot you'll eventually get caught and there will probably be a very harsh punishment, if it's a small essay, just do it.