Count Your Shutter Actuations With Opanda iExif

Knowing what your shutter actuations are can be helpful when figuring out just what 'wear and tear' your camera might have been through. Also, it gives you a way of verifying that your camera really is a 'seldom' used model. Opanda has a way of getting them very easily. Unfortunately, this image doesn't have it.


  1. Download the software at It is an executable file that won't require a program for unzipping. While installing it, you will be offered the opportunity to install another program called 'Power Exif Edit'. Be aware that this is a trial version. You do not have to install it.
  2. Run the executable file and install it where you want it. You can change the path from the default.
  3. After installing it, find its icon on your Start Panel and start the program.
  4. Start up the program. Initially, you will see a pretty blank screen. You will need to click on Open to view an image that you want to use for the count.
  5. Open your chosen image. Be aware that, depending on the image and its history, you may or may not be able to get the Exif information.
  6. Scroll down to the very bottom of the Exif information. With this image, the number is 94.


  • Any program that can view your image's EXIF info may have the capability to tell you the number of pictures taken. Be aware that it may be called different things with different software.
  • There is also an online tool to get this information from.

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