Create a School Newspaper in Elementary School
Teachers love when students decide to start their own paper. It shows responsibility, confidence, and willingness. It says that you are a confident leader and you know what you're doing. They can also be a lot of fun!
- Ask your principal for permission to start the paper
- Decide what your paper will be like. Will it be a daily, weekly, or monthly paper? What will be in your paper? Sports,events, weather, book/movie reviews, crosswords, comics, and horoscopes are commonly included.
- Create a sign up sheet with the newspaper's information (when, where will you meet? A good idea would be to meet in the library during your independent working time. And what are the qualifications?). Make sure to include the positions available.
- Post the paper somewhere where everyone will see it, like the cafeteria.
- Contact your staff and remind them where and when to meet.
- Decide on the paper's name with your staff during your first meeting. You can use your school's name. (ex: Turtle Creek Elementary School Newspaper) Or you can be more original, and add in words like gazette, journal, bulletin, times, etc. (ex. Turtle Times)
- Inform your writers of the requirements of their specific job. Then assign deadlines, and tell them how to get them to you. The best choice is to have them e-mail articles to you.
- When you get the articles, edit and correct them with the writers.
- Enter the final drafts onto a newspaper template, have your adviser look over it and make any last-minute corrections.
- Print the copies the day before the delivery. Whatever is about 3/4 of your school's population would be a good amount of copies. Make sure that if you're format is back to front, or more complicated, that your adviser, or technology teacher is the one who prints out the papers. Deliver whenever you're ready.
- Remember when you work with a staff of writers and editors you must be accepting and respectful of their ideas.
- Collaborate with your teachers and friends!
- Write out a schedule for production of your newspaper: dates when the newsletter will be distributed, when articles are due for each issue.
- Be sure the people on your staff have the skills necessary for the jobs they want to do: e.g. writers can communicate ideas clearly in writing; editors have a good understanding of grammar and spelling; sellers can handle money well.
- Hold interviews for the people who signed up to make sure they are qualified for the job.
- Getting a teacher to sponsor you will add credibility to your newspaper.
- Read the kinds of things you write to see how others write well.
- You can have a report on a school assembly or a ice cream or snack sale for your school. Be a good student and you might get permission to do a school paper.
- If you get a teacher who is willing to take extra time after school it would definitely help it would also help if they had experience with school newspapers.
- Write something that will grab readers attentions. Write about something interesting that most of your school would read.
- Don't write anything you wouldn't want someone to read.
- Don't write gossips and lies. That will hurt people's feelings and you might get in trouble for it.
- Edit carefully—no one wants to read something that is full of spelling errors and bad grammar.
Things You'll Need
- A good dictionary and thesaurus
- Printer/photocopier
- A computer with newspaper templates
- A staff: Reporters, writers, editor-in-chief, adviser, deliverer, and possibly someone to format and print the paper.
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