Create a WWE Costume Shawn Michaels

Kickin' it with the Kliq! Trick-or-treat as the World Wrestling Entertainment's girl-crazy wrestler, Shawn Michaels.


  1. Grow your hair out, or buy a wig, and tie the back of your hair into a ponytail.
  2. Get a pair of red pants. Get the white cloth, draw a lot of hearts, cut out the hearts, glue them on the pants, draw 2 large hearts, cut them out, and place it on the front and the back of the pants. Another way is to use white and black fabric paints, and paint the hearts all over the pants (white hearts with black outlines). It is recommended that the pants are tights like his wrestling gear.
  3. Use glitter or fabric paint to write down "Heartbreak Kid" on the back of the pants.
  4. Don the red tapes around your hands and wrists, red/white striped kneepads, and red boots.
  5. On the Muscular Body Builder Costume, draw a tattoo on the left arm with a marker. Google an image for the tattoo.
  6. Go out, and walk like Shawn Michaels while trick-or-treating, but be cautious! Women will think that the person is Shawn Michaels. Save it for the real Shawn Michaels. And keep down the Sweet Chin Music!
  7. Google search for the muscular body builder costume. The fake muscles will cover your naked torso. And make sure you add the chest hair by using brown Sharpie marker, drawing it lightly.


  • Instead of the glitter or paint, ask your parent to help you sew the word "Heartbreak Kid" on the back of the pants.
  • Before you can wear the pants, make sure the glitter or paint dries first.
  • Write HBK on your shoes or boots with glitter (ask parents first).

Things You'll Need

  • red pants
  • wig (optional)
  • white cloth (optional)
  • Sharpie markers (brown, red, and black)
  • fabric paints
  • glue
  • scissors
  • kneepads
  • red tape
  • boots

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