Create an Online Dating Name

Are you having trouble creating that perfect online dating persona? Your user name is also known as your nickname, your online name, your handle. Your name tells the world how you should be viewed so you need to give this some attention.

It is amazing how many online nicknames are generic at best, and unappealing at the worst. Give some serious thought to who you are going to be online. What do you want to portray?


Creating Your Own Online Dating Name

  1. Think about:
    • Who do you want to attract – who is he or she?
    • Is “the guy” a high powered business man or a cowboy?
    • Is the “gal” an adventurer who wants to live out of a suitcase or the girl next door?
  2. Know what your name says about you:
    • If you call yourself “Cool Dad”, -- “Ms. Uptown” is probably going to pass you over. She does not know that you’ve been looking for someone to bring out the metro sexual in you.
    • How about “NeverEnough”, -- if you are in the market for a nice guy your nickname implies a few negatives, such as never enough….attention, money, men?
    • Sure, there are a few names that are going to attract some immediate attention, such as “SexyGirl4U”, or “FantasyMaker” but they would imply a booty call versus a relationship. (If a booty call is what you want, then feel free to use these names).
  3. So what should you call yourself?
    • Make a list of what makes you tick. If that does not work for you, then try looking up vanity license plates, they tend to be memorable. Write down what describes you best, or what are you proud of?
  4. Read some examples. Here are some good examples, and some not so good examples:
    • LVIT2F8 Clever, this individual obviously wants the person to think about the nickname. Here is a hint – it is similar to a vanity plate – “Leave It to Fate”.
    • Creative Mind This person wants you to know that he/she is creative. Might leave you guessing as to what they are creative about.
    • Star Traveler Not bad, this individual could be talking about an interest in the stars, or be a romantic at heart, makes you wonder.
    • Harley Guy: Ok, so you like Harleys, you and around 2 million other men. Knight Rider would imply much more about you and add a soft touch.
    • Temp Ad: There are literally thousands of people with the nickname. This says nothing about you and it shows a lack of interest in being on the site.
  5. Choose your name carefully, make sure it portrays who you are or at least something of interest. The more clever you are, the more intrigued others will be.

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