Create the Original Look of Jason on Halloween

Now, most of us have seen the movie "Friday the 13th". Plenty of us have seen multiple films in the series and those who have most likely know that the killer Jason Voorhees didn't become the villain until "Part II". The look that we are attempting to achieve here is from that very movie. So before we go into this any further let me give you newbies the rundown on the "original" Jason Voorhees. He didn't receive his iconic hockey mask until the third movie so here he wears a potato sack over his head. He also doesn't yet possess a menacing machete. His original weapon of choice was a pitchfork. Finally he's still human. Zombification doesn't occur until Part VI so excessive zombie makeup won't be necessary.


  1. Note that you'll need to cut out one hole in the sheet that will be used as a hood for Jason, for his one good eye...the hood is a very important part about his look...once ready set aside.
  2. Spray paint the handle that will be used for the pitchfork, draw and cut out the fork itself and spray paint it; thus let each of them dry, then nail or tack the fork on to the handle...set aside.
  3. Cut the rope that will be used to tie around the neck area, leave a little extra rope (to keep it fairly loose). It will help hold the hood in place and keep it from coming off.
  4. Remember that Jason needs to put on his shirt, overalls, shoes and socks; thus add his mask and tie the (loose) rope around the neck area, to hold it in place.
  5. Understand that Jason needs to carry his pitchfork and he is off for a fun filled evening, full of excitement, and maybe a few screams.


  • You can also get a plastic weapons that Jason uses in the movies.
  • Be sure to watch "Friday the 13th" part 2, in order to create the total look of Jason.
  • You can first draw in the eye hole on the sheet that will be used as a hood for Jason, in order for it to be in the right location. However that is up to you.
  • Most people may not even open the door for Jason, but this one they will. However, there is no need to make a fuss, over what to collect the candy in, for the bib pockets of the overalls should hold a lot.
  • Now by far the perfect accessory for (Jason) to carry around (other than his pitchfork) would be a head, a doll's head that is. Therefore, take the head off of a (large) to (medium) size old doll. It will really enhance his look.


  • Don't say mean things to people coming to your party or scare people with weapons remember you cannot do this in public and that it's illegal to do so.
  • Never scare people with a machete pointed at them or try to hit them with it.
  • If there are people around don't practice dangerous things like hit them.
  • Don't threaten people like you are gonna chop their head off if so remember that the police will come and you will need to go home.

Things You'll Need

  • White Pillow Case-preferably (off white) & (Small Size)
  • Scissors
  • Long Sleeve Shirt (Plaid) in (Medium to Dark) Blue
  • (Indigo Blue) Denim Overalls (Large) Bib Pockets
  • Black Men Shoes & Socks
  • Broom handle and Cardboard needed (To make pitchfork) or may can find a toy one, but it will be quite small
  • Have on Hand:
    • Spray paint if making pitchfork, such as (brown or tan) for handle and possibly (silver) for the fork its self
    • Hammer and small nails, or thumb tacks
    • Small Rope (white) preferably

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