Make a Dark Faerie Costume for Halloween
Tired of the same old witches and vampires every Halloween? A dark fairy costume might be perfect for you then!
- Assemble some dark, gothic clothes, like fishnet stockings, black skirts and dresses, shirts with fishnet sleeves, etc. You can do all black, but it also looks cool to have another colour in addition to black. Black and purple or black and red look especially good, however don't make it too colourful. Black and orange are also the main Halloween colors, if you want to be more of a "Halloween faerie".
- Construct the wings out of black craft foam. Once you have the first wing cut out, use it as a pattern for the other wing(s) so they look the same. Make the wings less like butterfly wings and more bat-like for a dark look, for example use sharp corners and edges, unless you want to look like a regular nice faerie.
- Once the basic outlines for the wings are made, it's time to decorate them. Use materials like felt, glitter, paint, other colours of foam, or whatever else you have around. It's also wise to use a more rigid material like cardboard or wire to support the wings so they aren't floppy. Once they are finished, glue or pin them to the back of your shirt.
- Accessories like arm warmers, gloves, black boots, and makeup can enhance your costume, but do not go too overboard with them.
- You can add certain features to give the faerie a theme, for example a fire faerie, water faerie, cat faerie, spider faerie, etc. Look at costumes in stores and on websites for ideas
- This is a good group costume. For example, you could have dark faeries and nice faeries, or have each dark faerie use a different theme.
- If you have blonde hair, either spray it a different colour, wear a wig, or wear enough makeup that you don't look too "nice". Blonde chicks can be evil too.
- Use staples or crazy glue to hold the craft foam together, because regular tape or glue doesn't work well.
- If you live in an area where it's cold on Halloween, make sure the clothes you pick are warm enough.
- Don't make the wings too big or have too many things hanging off the costume, because there is too much risk of getting caught on things, catching on fire, or having immature little kids pull on your costume.
Things You'll Need
- Cool clothes in black and the colour of your choice, if you chose one
- Craft foam, felt, glitter, paint, and anything else to decorate the wings
- Something to support the wings, like wire or cardboard
- Stapler
- Accessories like gloves, arm warmers, boots, makeup, etc.(optional)
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Sources and Citations
- There's lots of costumes to look at for ideas, or if you give up you can buy a costume there.