Pick a Costume for Halloween

Halloween is another one of those commercial holidays, focusing on candy to give, costumes to wear, and parties to go to. One of the most difficult is selecting the right costume. Most people select a costume that looks good on them, rather than something that will allow them to have great time at their party. Usually since others have the same idea, you usually find others wearing the same exact costume, and feeling equally ill at ease seeing themselves wherever no matter where they are.


  1. Decide where you will be when you celebrate, and then select a costume with the location in mind.
  2. Pick a costume that will be warm if you are going to be outdoors for a great deal of the time.
  3. Think of what type of costume you should get if you are going to be at a crowded party, or one at a bar, and you are not certain what the temperature will be. This is a sign that you should get a costume that will be light and airy.
  4. Find accessories that will go with your costume, that you can add, or remove depending on the temperature of the room.
  5. Layer your costume, just as you do when going camping, and not sure what the weather will be like. a shawl can be added, or a sweater that will blend in with what the costume looks like. Add something that will go with the theme of your apparel, and not detract from it.
  6. Consider the implications if you get a costume with a mask that will cover your mouth or face. You might be too hot, and your make up may run, or it may obstruct your vision.
  7. Select a costume, or create one by using a little imagination, and clothes that are either boxed up, or are laying around the house. The main thing is to enjoy Halloween, and be comfortable while celebrating, no matter where you are.[1]


  • Be comfortable and have fun. That is the most important part of this holiday. Be able to sit in whatever you wear, and most important, be able to walk, and see where you are walking.
  • Make your own costume so that you will not find anyone else wearing the same thing.
  • Be creative and find/make something you love.
  • Use your imagination. You have an entire year to plan what you are going to wear. Start setting aside items and articles that you think just might fit to be worn for Halloween.

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