Database Administrator

A student asked: “What is a Database Administrator (DBA)? Where do I learn this skill? How does this skill compare to Software development? What is the future of this job? Please advice.

Answer: A Database Administrator (DBA) is responsible for installing, backing up, testing, securing and making changes to company’s databases and maintains its operation on a daily basis. Due to the accelerate use of information technology in business, the amount of data is increasing fast in every company and it needs experienced database workers to manage it.

Basic database skills are often taught in Information System Management (ISM) program but the job often require a lot of experience to be a good Database administrator. Most ISM graduates start as database implementers or developers as they gain experience and familiar with company operation, they will move to business analyst and administrator positions. Database skills are different from Software development skills as it does not require a lot of programming language skills like C, Java or C++ but you must learn to use command language (Query language) and understand the system and how it works. You also must have business knowledge relate to how company operates and what kind of data they have.

Today the most popular database platform is Oracle. There are several training programs to certify you to work in this platform, such as administrator, analyst, architect, or project manager certification. Other database platforms such as SQL server and MySQL are also gaining popular among midsize and small company. According to several current reports, Database administrator and related skills are “Very Hot” with many job openings but few people to fill them. The key success in this area is soft-skills, especially communication skill as most database administrators and analysts must work closely with users and customers. They must know in detail what types of data that customers want to store, retrieve, and update and what types of report they need to help them to make decision. Database workers must have deep knowledge of the business operation (That is why it is taught in Information System Management instead of Computer Science or Software Engineering).

There is short term “certification path” to work in the database area (People go to vocational training to get a certification in a particular skill in a database platform) However, with certification they are considered as “Database Technicians” rather than an Analyst or Administrator. A good Database Administrator should have solid skill in both technical as well as business. They must have a system view of how data is organized and how company operates. Most DBAs positions do require at least a Bachelor’s degree in Information System Management (ISM) or even a Master degree.

Entry level salary of database developer, analyst, and administrator starts at $80,000 to $92,000 but experienced workers can make $130,000 to $185,000 (2011 salary report).

Due to the increasing in amount of data in every company but fewer workers available, the salary is expected to increase faster than most in the next few years. It is difficult to find a good Database Administrator with experience as this job requires technical skills, business skills and also soft-skills.


  • Blogs of Prof. John Vu, Carnegie Mellon University