See the Positive Effects of Acne

Nobody wants acne. It can be a pain in the butt, sometimes literally. But, acne isn't all bad. On your quest to rid yourself of your acne, notice the positive effects along the way.


  1. Accept you have acne. If you still think those few pimples will go away and never return ever again, you are probably going to be disappointed. Acne can last a long time. If you don't accept that you have acne, you will not be able to see its positive effects.
  2. Think about the good that has come out of your acne. Everything that doesn't kill you makes you've stronger, and, as painful ban depressing as acne can be, it won't, of itself kill you.
  3. Consider how acne helped your time-management and organization skills. Having to keep track of all your medications and when you have to take them can be tough at first. Almost everyone forgets once in a while and are punished with a breakout the next day. By having to make time to wash your face and use different treatments, you become better at managing your time in general, whether it is finding time to do homework, or going to sleep earlier because you know you will be in the bathroom for half an hour.
  4. Realize that acne has made you a mentally stronger person. Lots of people with acne, sadly, get picked on sometimes. This causes the person with acne to find ways to deal with being picked on, whether it is ignoring them or laughing with them to show it doesn't bother you. Later in life, when people are picking on you for something else, you will already know how to shut them down.
  5. Discover that acne may have made you a physically stronger person. Acne is generally not considered attractive. To make up for their skin condition, many with acne will work out to achieve very large muscles or put extra care into making their hair look amazing. Just because you have acne doesn't mean you can't look attractive.
  6. Understand that your acne has helped you get used to uncomfortable, slightly disgusting sights and sounds sensations. Acne can be gross, but it is even more gross when it pops and pus and blood oozes out. Eventually, you get used to it and find everything else you used to find disgusting not so gross anymore. Being used to sights that gross others outs, might help you in a future medical or veterinary career, or just help you deal with parenthood!
  7. Recognize acne has helped you focus. Maybe acne has made it harder for you to get a boyfriend or girlfriend. But, with the extra time it has made it easier for you to get good grades, improve in your hobbies and sports, and just become a better person.
  8. Appreciate how having acne has made you less likely to make snap judgements about others. You have very likely learnt not judge a book by its cover. Because you yourself don't have the best "cover," you begin to realize that the cover doesn't matter. Maybe you started to hang out with kids that aren't obsessed with how they look, but instead are obsessed with helping others, or improving in everything they do. Your looks don't last forever. One day, everyone will be old with wrinkly skin and all that great stuff. But, your personality does last your entire life. Create a good one now, so that after you graduate, you are not remembered as a jerk, but as someone well-liked by all.
  9. Revel in your determination. Acne has helped you to become a more determined person. You, like thousands of others, are on a mission to rid yourself of acne. You will probably do whatever it takes to rid yourself of it. So, why not use that same philosophy in everything you do. Work your hardest on everything, whether it is bringing your grade up or trying to get that person to be your boyfriend or girlfriend.
  10. If you are older, but have acne, it can make people assume you are younger. Most people are happy the look younger than they are - appreciate your zits if someone takes you for 25, not thirty.


  • Be yourself.
  • Don't be afraid to switch acne medications. If you aren't seeing results in the appropriate time you are supposed to, it's not working. Try something else.
  • Remember there are more treatments than just prescriptions. Some people find blue/red light therapy and other treatments to be more effective in combating acne than drugs. One treatment that sounds crazy, but works very well for some people, is drinking four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, diluted in water daily. If nothing else works, it's worth a try. But, the most important thing to remember is that if you've been using a treatment for a while and don't get the results you want, discontinue it and try something else.
  • Use a type of medication your doctor recommends. There's a chance your making your acne worse by using the wrong medication.
  • You're in for a long battle. Find ways to cope with it.


  • It takes time. You might not see the positive part yet, but you will soon.
  • It will not be easy for you to see acne in a positive light, but in time it becomes easier.

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