Delete Yahoo! Accounts

If it’s time to delete your Yahoo! account, you may be wondering how to do it. Finding the Account Termination page can be a little difficult, as it is hidden in several pages of Help menus. Follow this guide to delete your Yahoo! account immediately.


  1. Sign in to your Yahoo! account. You will need to sign in with the account that you want to delete. If you forgot your password, follow the password recovery link at the login page.
  2. Open the Yahoo! homepage. Scroll down and click the Help link at the bottom-right corner of the page. Click the My Account link at the bottom of the Help page.
    • Select the “Register or delete account” section in the Account page.
    • Click the “Closing your Yahoo! account” link
    • Click the “Account Termination” link in the middle of the page.
  3. Enter your login information again. Even if you are already logged in, you will need to log in again. This helps prevent accounts from being deleted if they’re left open somewhere.
  4. Read the Account Termination notification page. Note that deleting your Yahoo! account will revoke access to the entire Yahoo! services bundle, which includes your Yahoo! Mail, ID, Contacts, Flickr account, and more.
    • If you have any Yahoo! paid services, unsubscribe from them before deleting your Yahoo! account. If you don’t you may continue to get billed even if your account is deleted.
  5. Enter your password. In order to confirm deletion, you will need to enter your password again. You will also need to fill out the CAPTCHA to prove that the deletion request is not automated. Click the “YES Terminate this Account” button.
    • Your account details will be saved by Yahoo! for about 90 days.
    • The deletion process is not reversible.


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