Develop Professional Expertise
Almost every job requires that you continue learning and strengthening your skills. Doing so enables you to receive a promotion or empowers you to lead others in your organization. By learning how to develop professional expertise, you will discover ways to grow in your knowledge and skills. You could also become a recognized expert in your professional field.
- Become a life-long learner. Part of developing your professional expertise is keeping up with new information that is relevant to your field of study.
- Continue your education. Get your graduate or post-graduate degree or a special certification.
- Read books, articles, and journals related to your field. These more scholarly resources provide you with information that is likely to be an important part of your continuing professional development.
- Follow blogs and social media accounts. Find other professionals in your field and connect with their online content. Many post thoughts that are new to the field and will introduce you to different perspectives and theories.
- Attend conferences. Conferences allow you to network with other professionals in your field and participate in thought-provoking discussions and workshops.
- Find mentors. Mentors are more experienced individuals in your profession who can guide you and teach you. The mentor relationship can be as formal or as casual as you would like.
- Ask older employees or leaders at your workplace to mentor you.
- Read biographies about people in your field who made a major impact or contribution.
- Listen to podcasts or seminars from experts in your field who may not be available for a one-on-one relationship.
- Join a group of colleagues. Meeting with other individuals in your profession can sharpen your skills and develop your expertise in ways that no textbook or blog article can.
- Find a professional society in your field and become a member. Members often have access to resources non-members do not, and they are able to network with other professionals in their field.
- Form a discussion or learning group with others at your workplace. Meet during lunch or breaks and talk about problems or experiences that you have encountered recently.
- Write about your profession. By posting reflections on your professional blog or publishing articles in a peer-reviewed journal, you put your thoughts out there for others to read and give feedback on. Plus, the process of writing can help you clarify your thoughts.
- Build your skills. Identify skills you would like to strengthen and then find opportunities to do that. For example, if you are a counselor and want to learn how to better comfort someone when they are hurting, read books or talk to others about different methods they use. Then practice your skills as you interact with clients or friends.
- Take advantage of any professional development resources your organization offers. Many companies provide staff with a certain amount of days or funding to pursue professional growth.
- Learn both theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. For example, teachers need to know about pedagogical and motivational theories, but they should also get instruction on how to manage a classroom, how to discipline students, and what kind of grading system to use.
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Sources and Citations
- Rasku-Puttonen, Helena; Etel�pelto, Anneli; Lehtonen, Olli; Nummila, Leena; H�kkinen, P�ivi. "Developing Teachers' Professional Expertise Through Collaboration in an Innovative ICT-based Learning Environment." European Journal of Teacher Education, Mar 2004: 47-60.
- Sandars, John. "The Use of Reflection in Medical Education." Medical Teacher, Aug2009: 685-695.