Develop in Your Career

Continuing to advance in your career can help you reach financial goals and feel a greater sense of job satisfaction. Striving toward a career goal will propel you to continue to seek training and education that expands your skills and knowledge in your field. A plan of career development will prepare you to apply for advanced positions, and take on more responsibilities on the job.


  1. Create a career plan. You must have a clear picture of where you plan to be in 5 years, 10 years or 20 years down the road in your career. The first step to mapping your future success is determining the end destination.
    • Plan to review your career goals annually to determine if you still desire the ultimate objective in your plan.
    • Career plans may change over the years as goals and desires change. For example, you may seek a change to a new field before you reach your career destination.
    • Don't be afraid to aim high on your career plan. You can stop anywhere along the way, change the goal or career path at anytime you choose.
  2. List the small goals needed to reach the career objective. Every career plan requires you to take certain steps to reach the goal.
    • Research your career goal and determine the education and training needed to qualify for your ideal position.
    • List the courses, training programs or degree requirements you must complete to obtain your career objectives.
    • List the universities, colleges or vocational training programs available to provide you with the education and training you need to complete the goal.
    • Create a systematic plan to complete your education requirements.
  3. Pursue each step on your training and education plan. Some steps on an education plan will take longer to complete. For example, if your career objective requires a bachelor's degree, you will have to devote 4 years to completing that step.
    • Review the requirements for your career periodically to ensure you are on the right track. For example, if you are pursuing a career as a registered nurse, you should check with your state board of nursing to comply with the education and training requirements.
  4. Search for positions in the field. While pursuing your education and training, seek a position in the field to gain experience and on the job training.


  • Attend workshops and seminars. In addition to training and education, attend career development workshops that can help you develop professional skills.
  • Search for a mentor to provide guidance in career development. Mentors possess the traits, skills and values that you admire and wish to obtain. The mentor does not have to work in the field or even work in an advanced position. Choose a mentor that has the knowledge to advance in your career and is willing to counsel and advise you.
  • Join professional organizations. Professional organizations provide you with a network of colleagues and professionals in your field. A network can provide you with information on career opportunities in your field.

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