Do Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling – often called “spinning” – offers an effective, low-impact, and social exercise option. Not only will you get a great cardio workout, stationary bikes allow you to get a strength workout as well. You can begin indoor cycling at any fitness level. While you can purchase stationary bikes for home use, plan to attend some indoor cycling classes to familiarize yourself with best practices – and because you’ll likely have fun. Make sure to talk to the instructor about adjusting your bike the first time, and look to increase the intensity of your workout each time you get on an indoor cycle.[1]


Attending an Indoor Cycling Class

  1. Find a class you’re excited about. There are all sorts of indoor cycling classes. There are a few factors to look for, and the rest is up to you. Contact local gyms, as well as cycling studios and ask about classes that are better geared for beginners. Make sure the facility will help you adjust your bike and go over safety information on your first visit.[2] Arrive early so that someone can help you get your bike set up.
    • Many group classes will have themes regarding type of workout, or even type of music. For instance, you can sign up for a beginner-specific class, a strength workout, or a class featuring non-stop hip-hop. The important thing is choosing a class that appeals to you.
    • Make sure to identify yourself as a new class member when you go for the first time. This will help to ensure that you get the help you need to set up your bike and enjoy the class.
  2. Choose your seat before class. If you’re planning on a scheduled indoor cycling class, you may be able to reserve the specific bike you’d like to ride. If this option is not available, try to arrive early enough to be able to choose the bike you want to ride. Choose whatever location that will best enable you to focus on the class.[3]
    • If you think you’ll be more comfortable sitting near the back, do so.
    • Consider sitting in the front row if you’re new. This will offer a better view of the instructor. Additionally, you may be motivated to work harder if you’ve got other people sitting behind you!
  3. Wear appropriate clothing. Moisture-wicking fabric is best for your top. Tights or bike shorts are ideal options to wear on bottom. Avoid anything too baggy or that hinders your range of motion.[4]
    • Bike shorts are worth trying out. They range in cost from about $20 to $100. Don’t worry about brand; choose a pair based on comfort.[5]
  4. Check with the gym about footwear. Most cycling classes will feature bikes with pedals that are designed to work with a clip-in bike shoe. Alternatively, you can often strap in a regular athletic shoe. Check beforehand to ensure you don’t need a certain type of shoe, and ask whether you can borrow or rent bike shoes if you don’t have any.[6]
    • Hold off on buying bike shoes until you’ve been to a few classes and want to make the investment. In the meantime, wear stiff-soled athletic shoes.[7]
    • If you’re ready to buy a shoe, choose a pair that has a solid, non-flex bottom, and fits well. Pricey cycling shoes are not necessary if you intend to use them mostly indoors.
  5. Eat 90 minutes before your class. Avoid eating a full meal within a few hours of your class. However, you should eat a small, healthy snack an hour and a half or so before you begin cycling. This time frame allows you to digest the food and have energy stored for your workout.[8]
  6. Show up 10 minutes early. It’s always important to show up on time for group fitness events. You may not be allowed to join if you arrive late. Arrive especially early for your first few classes to ask any questions you may have and meet others in your classes.[9]

Adjusting Your Cycle

  1. Set the handlebars and saddle at hip height. Stand beside the bike you’ll be riding and adjust both the seat (or “saddle”) and the handlebars so that they are level with the top of your hip bones. You’re not done yet though. Bend one of your arms 90 degrees and make a fist. Touch the front of your knuckles to the center of your handlebars, with your elbow pointing directly towards the saddle. Adjust the saddle so that its front touches the back of your elbow.[10]
  2. Get in the saddle. You may still need to adjust the bike further, but get in the saddle to feel it out after setting the right saddle and handlebar heights. As you sit in the saddle, rotate the pedals slowly. When the pedal on one side is all the way down, make sure the leg on that side has only a slight bend. Shoot for 25 to 35 degrees.[11]
    • When the pedals are level with one another, one knee should be directly above the forward pedal. If not, re-adjust the saddle forward or backward, as necessary.
    • On a recumbent bike (which are much less common, but are still available at some facilities) the leg extending on a stroke should only be bent 10 to 15 degrees, while the leg on the rear pedal should make a 90-degree angle.
  3. Tweak the handlebars for comfort. Make sure you can reach your handlebars comfortably, with an upright back and open chest. Your shoulder should be relaxed and your elbows should be slightly bent. In a comfortable, safe position, you won’t feel pressure on your back, knees, or wrists. If your position is uncomfortable in any way, or if your shoulders or back are rounded, ask the instructor for help with adjustments.
    • Your handlebars may be too low, or tilted forward detrimentally, if your back is uncomfortable.
    • If you have recurring back, neck, or shoulder pain, set your handlebars a bit higher and scoot the saddle forward to sit more upright.

Getting the Most Out of a Cycling Class

  1. Clip in correctly. Clip in one foot at a time by tilting your toes forward on top of the pedal and pushing your foot downward into the middle of the pedal. You should hear an audible click as the shoe clips into the pedal. To unclip, turn your ankle away from the bike.[12]
    • In regular athletic shoes, rest the ball of your foot right on the middle of the pedal. While your toes should be in the pedal’s cage or strap, don’t push your foot forward all the way in.
  2. Pull the pedals, don’t just push. The most helpful lesson to learn about cycling is that the upstroke provides most of the power you put into the pedals. To state this otherwise, pulling the pedals upwards will make it even easier to speed up and maintain higher speeds. This is why cycling shoes clip in, and pedals have straps or cages.[13]
    • Keep your feet flat throughout your strokes. If anything, try to keep your toes slightly above your heels. Avoid pointing your toes downward while pedaling.
  3. Follow the instructor’s direction. You’re going to hear a lot about RPMs. This acronym stands for revolutions per minute. This essentially measures the equivalent of your speed, or “cadence.” The bike’s resistance setting, usually controlled by a knob, will adjust how hard you have to work the pedals to increase your RPM.[14]
    • The class instructor will likely direct you on when and how much to adjust your bike’s resistance. Try to stay as close as possible to what the instructor recommends. Don’t hesitate to turn your resistance down if you can’t keep up though.
    • When the instructor directs the class to add resistance, do so, even if you only add a bit. Adding resistance periodically actually helps prevent injury. The quality of your strokes, and your workout in general, will improve once you settle into a steady pedaling rhythm. Pedaling against resistance helps!
  4. Push yourself. Don’t just try to crank the pedals as hard and as fast as you can. You want to work your way into a smooth, steady cadence while periodically increasing resistance. Even if you’re pedaling slowly, if you’re pushing against a good amount of resistance, you’re generating plenty of power – and likely working hard to do so. Essentially, increase resistance instead of RPMs.[15]
    • Think about going as fast as you can on a bike outside. It requires a lot of force to get a bike going quickly and keeping it moving at a high speed. As a point of reference, you are unlikely to go above 100 RPM for a sustained amount of time outdoors, because the resistance you feel when going full speed makes it hard to maintain RPM.
    • Don’t ever allow your RPM to go above 120. At this point, the pedals are likely carrying your feet, and you don’t have control of the bike.
    • Shoot for 60 to 80 RPM during a “climb” (when resistance is high to mimic a hill climb on an outdoor bike), and 90 to 110 RPM otherwise.
  5. Stand with stability. You may be directed to stand, or simply want to stand periodically to vary the muscles you’re using. When you do stand on your pedals, don’t lean forward. Keep the nose of your saddle near the back of your inner thighs, keeping your back straight and your chest open.[16]
    • Focus on stability over speed. If you’re bouncing up and down, you’re losing power and risking injury. Hold your body steady, pushing down and pulling up with equal force.
  6. Drink lots of water. You’ll likely be surprised by how much water you’ll drink during a cycling class. Come prepared with at least one full water bottle, but two is better. As a rule of thumb, bring an ounce of water for each minute of your class. After a 40 minute class, finish what’s left of the 40 ounces you brought with you.[17]

Cycling Safely and Consistently

  1. Get your doctor’s approval. If you have health conditions that affect your ability to exert yourself physically for a prolonged period of time, talk to your doctor before attending a cycling class. Further, if you have any injuries that have not fully healed, ask your doctor when you can return to non-contact fitness activities.[18]
    • If you’re hoping to transition out of a mostly sedentary lifestyle, another type of exercise, such as walking, may be a healthier way to start exercising. Talk to your doctor about where to begin, and you will likely be cleared to hop on a bike sooner than later.
  2. Stop cycling if you experience dangerous symptoms. Intense cardio workouts are hard work, and you’ll experience some physical discomfort during a challenging cycling session. However, there are certain signs you should watch out for, as they may indicate an oncoming heart attack or exhaustion. If any of these symptoms develop, stop cycling immediately to rest and drink water.[19]
    • Watch out for sudden, intense pain in your chest, or the feeling of rising pressure or squeezing within your chest. Similarly, don’t ignore irregular heartbeats. If these symptoms persist for more than a few minutes, seek medical assistance.
    • Extreme shortness breath is also a concern. While you will certainly have labored breathing while cycling, if you’re struggling to breathe or can’t slow down your breathing when you slow your bike down, take a break. If your breath returns to normal, you can always return to cycling.
    • Stop exercising immediately if you become dizzy or light-headed, or experience nausea and cold sweats. If these sensations do not go away after a few minutes, seek medical attention.
  3. Stay consistent. Cycle three times a week to quickly and steadily improve your fitness level. Of course, the important thing is consistency. If you can only make one class per week, that’s fine – just make sure to go every week! Once you attend a few classes, you can likely simply guide yourself through solo sessions. If you do wish to go off on your own, plan to have one relatively easy weekly workout, one challenging one, and one that really pushes you.[20]
  4. Do a weekly easy ride. For an “easy” ride, simply keep a steady pace and focus on endurance. Ride for an hour to an hour and a half, keeping your RPM between 85 and 100. Add resistance as needed to keep your breath deep and steady throughout the ride. Since this is a more time consuming ride, plan this one for the weekend.[21]
  5. Challenge yourself once a week too. For a harder ride, incorporate intervals that bring you right up to the point of discomfort. In other words, work a few long “climbs” into your ride. With heavy resistance to simulate a climb, maintain 70 to 85 RPM for as long as you can. At lower resistances, maintain 90 to 100 RPM. Both of these will likely challenge you. Your breathing will be quicker during these rides, but should remain steady. Cool down as needed, allowing yourself to reduce your RPM for as many minutes as you were able to maintain a higher RPM.[22]
  6. Push your limits if you only cycle once per week. Stated simply, intervals of intense cycling will help you burn calories, increase your aerobic capacity and overall fitness, and keep your heart in good shape. These types of workouts are best if you can only fit in one session per week. After working up the bike’s resistance, go as fast as you can for two to four minutes. Allow yourself to slow down as needed, but try to keep your RPM as high as you can while keeping your breath steady and rhythmic.[23]


  • Bring a towel. While many gyms offer them, it’s worth ensuring you have one for your ride. Drape it over the frame or handlebars of your bike for easy access.

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