Draw Human Eyes

Have you ever wanted to draw human eyes? That can be done with a few simple steps:



  1. Get your pencil and notebook. Make sure you have a Number 2 pencil and a good notebook. When you are drawing you must remember to draw lightly, just in case you have to erase.
  2. Draw the upper eye. When you are drawing the upper part of the eye, you must arc it.
  3. Draw the lower eye. Do what you did for step two but make it upside down.
  4. Now, we are going to draw the inside of the eye. Draw a circle, lightly, inside what you drew. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just make sure the top of the circle touches the top arc, and the lower part of the circle touches the lower arc.
  5. Now draw a circle inside the circle. This mini circle does NOT touch the bigger circle at all. Make sure you make it dark.
  6. Now, you must draw the lashes. Drawing the lashes does take some practice. But, all it is, is shading. But this shading you have nothing telling you what to shade. You must decide how long the lashes are, how dark they are...and so on.


  1. Now you are getting into detail. What you need for this part are some color pencils and your drawing.
  2. Now, for the first step in detail. Pick any color pencil for the eye color. Shade in the big circle, but not the small dark circle.
  3. If you want to make it believable do this. Shade in under the lower arc. It makes it seem that the eye has a dark circle. That is the last step.


  • Draw lightly because you might have to erase.
  • Never outline darkly until you are all the way done.
  • Make sure you have a good eraser, not a cheap one that doesn't work well.
  • Experiment your best priority by picking out a brown, a green, and both shades of blue, and test which looks better in how you do the colour inside.
  • Have a good pencil and good notebook.


  • If you do shade too darkly, simply erase some away to make it look lighter but not too light.
  • Don't shade too darkly, it may look tacky.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Notebook
  • Color Pencils
  • Creativity

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