Draw Kakashi

This is a guide for Kakashi fans. For those who don't know Kakashi, he is a Naruto character! Hope you like it!


  1. Draw the outline of the head (a circle and 2 lines extending down to make the chin).
  2. Mark where the mask and headband is going to be.
  3. Draw eyes and eyebrows.
  4. Add rough detail around the eye area (e.g. scar).
  5. Draw the headband metal plate.
  6. Add ears and the pieces of hair sticking out from the bottom.
  7. Add hair.
  8. Add the collar of the vest (optional).
  9. Outline and shade (optional).
  10. Finished.


  • It is best to do your picture in pencil.
  • Make sure the hair is not got rounded points as his hair is sharp.
  • If shading, the area between his neck and his shirt should be the darkest.
  • When shading, remember where the light is coming from.
  • You may choose to draw him with his headband covering his left eye.
  • Darken the area where his nose is.
  • Take your time drawing.
  • His jawline is a little bit longer than the other Naruto characters.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • A knowledge of what Kakashi looks like
  • A sharpener
  • An eraser
  • A picture of Kakashi for reference (optional)

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