Draw Wings

Do you want to draw wings to put on your characters? Follow this simple tutorial to learn how!


Cartoon Wings

  1. Draw two thin, slightly curved ovals as shown. They should look like connected tree branches, or the skeleton of a bat's arm.
  2. Add in faint curves for the feathers. They should be mostly oval-like in shape, overlapping one another but not going beyond three rows or so per wing.
  3. Sketch in thinner, larger feathers. These can be as thick or as lengthy as you like, but try to keep even the proportions of these feathers and the feathers from the previous step.
  4. Draw details for the feathers. You don't necessarily need to have too many extra lines or spots on your feathers, but the image at the right will show you how if you want those elements.
  5. Outline and color your wing. To create a set, if your character is being viewed from the front rather than the side, simply mirror the drawing you've already done on the other side. And remember, when detailing/coloring, use your imagination!

Traditional Wings

  1. Draw three trapezoids of different sizes and orientations which are connected to each other. This will be the framework for the wings.
  2. Draw two straight lines with a space apart and which follow the orientation of the trapezoids – three layers are formed.
  3. Draw the feathers for the first layer using simple and rounded curves.
  4. Draw the second layer of feather using simple curves and longer than the first layer feathers.
  5. Draw the third layer feathers using simple curves. The feathers are longer and more refined.
  6. Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines.
  7. Color to your liking with shades of white!


  • Draw lightly in pencil so that you can easily rub out mistakes.
  • If you want to use markers/watercolors to color your drawing, use paper that is relatively thick and line over your pencil more darkly before doing so.
  • First make the outline of the wing.

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