Draw a Cactus

For desert scenes or just for fun, it's easy for anybody to draw a cactus! Follow the steps below to learn how.


  1. Stem. For the stem of the cactus, draw an oval shape, with the smaller end curving towards the ground. It should resemble a pickle, or a slightly elongated jellybean.
  2. Arms. Draw two arms on either side of the stem. The leaves are small curved ovals, with the smaller end connected to the stem. You can add more arms than this if you'd like, but keep the number reasonable.
  3. Arms on the arms (optional). Put the additional leaves on the existing leaves. Again, use however many leaves per arm you'd like, just make sure you can draw them in.
  4. Ridges on the plant. Add the ridges of the cactus following the shapes of the stem and arms. These mark where you'll place the thorns.
  5. Thorns. Put the thorns on the ridges, outward from the stem and arms. Have them go in different directions and be of different sizes, just like thorns on a real cactus.
  6. Color. Most people use green for the color, with lighter green on the arms, while the ground is cracked and light brown. But your cactus could be purple or pink or polka-dotted, so long as it's still recognizable--the pigment is really up to you.


  • If you have a lot of time, drawing a desert scene (i.e. LOTS of cacti) can be fun and will impress your friends, too.
  • You can always look up photos to help you.

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