Draw a Detailed Tree
Drawing a detailed tree is not all that hard. The first thing you will need is a little time, peace and quiet, good concentration, and a great sense of nature.
- Draw the trunk of the tree and draw your way up. Details don't matter for now, just draw the general shape of the tree.
- Observe and try to get it into the paper. Start with one of the main branches and the main twigs.Make sure that you draw the tree big.
- Draw as much bark detail as possible. this is where detail matters Add shadows and lines to make your work more realistic.
- Draw the smaller twigs. Remember that smaller twigs branch off of larger ones and even smaller twigs branch off those.
- Make the leaves or flowers. Drawing them individually is nearly impossible and boring, but be sure to make each one unique. Nothing in nature is exactly like anything else of the same kind.
- Sign your work. It could be worth a million dollars someday.
- Finished.
- When drawing the smaller branches, don't try too hard. Just let your hand take the lead and they will turn out to be more bent and crooked.
- Everyone has their own view and ideas, so every tree will look different.
- If you want to paint the tree you might want to add more space between the branches than if you were to just draw and color the tree.
- Draw the tree slowly.
- Shade the leaves and sections of the tree.
- A good thing to try for leaves is to dip a piece of sponge into some undiluted paint and just dab it gently onto your tree.
- Try to be focused and have patience.
- Using a 0.5 mm pen helps when drawing branches and leaves.
- Free hand the leaves then go back and add detail.
- Use a pencil in case you make mistakes.
- Picture the finished product in your mind as you draw the tree.
- Don't use any sort of pen because if you mess up then you will have to start over, as you can't erase pen.
- Add to some rough lines to the trunk and branches to show texture.
- Draw light when first starting.Then outline the drawing darker.
- Do not draw the foliage until the very end.
Things You'll Need
- Pencil (lighter tones for detail and heavier tones for shading)
- Paper/canvas
- Color utensils
- Paint
- Sponge (for making leaves)