Draw a Flower
Flowers are so beautiful, and they smell nice too! Learn how to draw a flower by following the steps in this tutorial.
Method One: A Sunflower
- Draw a big circle and then draw a smaller one at the center.
- Draw the stem and draw leaves on each side
- Draw a thin elongated heart shape for the petal.
- Repeat step 3 until you have fully covered the edge of your inner circle.
- Add more petals to cover up empty space using pointed angles.
- Draw slanted lines crisscrossed over each other inside the small circle.
- Refine details of the leaves and the stem.
- Color the drawing.
Method Two: A Rose with Stem
- Draw curved line. Sketch another one(slightly bigger) below the first until you are able to draw three similar shapes.
- Draw a curved vertical line to represent the stalk and add a leaf on one side.
- Sketch a rough outline of the rose, and then start drawing the petals. Use the "U" >> shape first.
- Sketch the petals so they seem to overlap each other, on the first "U".
- Add petal shaped details on the second "U".
- Use the last "U" to guide you in sketching the petals similar to what you did on the first and second "U".
- You can also add more petals if you wish for a more appealing rose drawing.
- Draw the rose’s sepal using pointed angles.
- Add thorns on the stem. This is best drawn using pointed angles. Add details to the rose’s leaf, do not forget that it has a serrated margin.
- Color the drawing.
Method Three: A Rose without Stem
- Make one circle to form the interior border of the flower.
- Add two more circles to form the outer border of the flower petals.
- Add some rough forms for the petals.
- Draw the final lines.
- Color the drawing and add some shadows and definition lines.
- Finished.
Method Four: A Daffodil
- Draw an oval to form the outer edge of the flower leaves. Add two parallel lines and connect the parallel lines at bottom as shown in the picture.
- Draw a connecting smaller oval figure at the top of the parallel lines to form the top of the flower.
- Create a rough sketch of the flower and leaves as illustrated in the picture.
- Add the final lines for the flower and leaves.
- Draw shadows and definition lines and color in your flower.
Method Five: A Cosmos Flower
- Sketch a circle.
- Sketch another circle at the center.
- Sketch the petals surrounding the bigger circle. They should be almost of the same sizes and shape.
- Sketch a line for the flower stalk.
- Draw semi-circles around the smaller circle thus, making a flower-like structure. Then you could add something in the middle.
- Draw the basic outline of the petals. The petals at the front should be differentiated from the petals at the back.
- Draw the outline of the bigger circle and the stalk.
- Color the flower.
Method Six: A Tulip
- Sketch the a circle for the flower and a long slightly curved line for the stalk.
- Add the guides of the petals and the leaves. Draw 2 petals in front and a petal at the back of the 2 petals totalling to 3 petals. The leaves of tulip are long and not straight so the guide lines for the leaves should be long curved lines.
- Sketch the guide of the sepal and the leaves.
- Draw the basic outline of the flower, sepal and the stalk.
- Draw the basic outline of the leaves.
- Add more detail. Draw lines in the leaves and in the petals for a better outcome.
- Color the tulip.
Method Seven: A Simple Daisy
- Start the outline by sketching a small circle.
- Draw a bigger circle. Make it look like a disc so you could remember the basic outline of a daisy flower whenever you draw one.
- Start drawing the actual lines by the small circle at the middle.
- Begin drawing the petals with two line strokes, up and down directions. Always begin drawing the actual lines with a mirror effect.
- Draw another mirror of petals on the horizontal way.
- Continue drawing the petals using the same technique.
- Finish drawing the petals.
- Erase the outline sketches and color the draft.
- Add the background.
Method Eight: A Basic Flower
- Draw a small circle in the middle of the page.
- Draw a bigger circle which has the same center point with the small circle.
- Draw the petals of the flowers using curves. Use the circles as guide.
- Draw the petals as to revolve around the circle.
- Draw other petals which occupy the space left in the circle. They don’t all have to be in the same length.
- Draw the stem and the leaves by using curves.
- Refine the leaves to resemble a real one.
- Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines.
- Color to your liking!
Method Nine: A Cartoon Flower
- Draw a vertical oblong. Below the oblong, draw a slender rectangle that would serve as the plant’s stem.
- Draw two curves at the oval one from the left and the other at the right.
- Draw lines extending from the lower part of the oblong which spread in four directions. Draw a curved loop also at the bottom of the oblong.
- Draw curves which connect the lines to form petals for the flower.
- Draw curves which extend upward in the oval to resemble budding.
- Draw another petal using the same principle and lines along the oblong.
- Refine the drawing and trace with a pen. Erase unnecessary lines.
- Color to your liking!
Things You'll Need
- Paper/colors to outline with (optional)
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Crayons
- Pens
- Ruler